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iseul was cleaning her wounds up a bit before it got infected. sure she had regeneration but that doesn't mean it couldn't get infected. flinching at the pain, she quickly wrapped it up. thinking about her encounter on the way out. 

thinking back on that embarrassing memory. why of all people she bump into it was them. mentally slapping herself and wanting to dig a whole and stay there forever. the girls tricked her into doing something for their own personal reasons. it lead to them actually end up in a one sided fight.

they didn't like her for the fact she was an angel as their jealously took over them. she was new there so what rumors could they have heard already about her.

iseul didn't fight back feeling as though she deserved it. she needed to be beaten up for the sins she's done in her life. she honestly didn't even have the strength to protect herself.

she was an angel after all despite the cold persona she tried to display. her kindness always lingered around that stayed with her.

how could a school allow students to carry around weapons and let them use them so carelessly? humans are strange and she never really liked them in the beginning.

walking mindlessly anywhere not wanting to go 'home', she ended up in an abandoned garden. it had a fountain with overgrown vines over it and a small stone pathway leading out to a hill with the beach over the edge.

flowers scattering the area that had butterflies and hummingbirds decorating the beautiful scenery. ranging from the colors of blue, violet, and yellow.

the trees dancing in light wind with flower petals flying around spreading its floral scent. it was a scene that came out of the fairy tales that you'll only read about.

in awe of the scene, she went towards the edge of the water fountain and took a seat. she felt as if she was a nymph of the rural space. unknowninly she felt that heavy weight on her shoulder go away.

the sight in front of her kept her mesmerize as she stared off into the distance. the peacefulness reminded iseul the small things in life.

she was caught up into her current life she forgot she was a child herself lost in this cruel world. in the distance she saw a lonesome white wolf staring at her. blinking her eyes two times to make sure she saw that a wolf is making their way towards her.

not that fazed by this creature, she remained still knowing that it would not bother her. her love for animals was making her feel excited on the inside hoping it would befriend her.

closing her eyes as she soaked in the sunrays before it finally decided to set. she woken with the wolf in front of her. unconsciously she reached out hesitantly to touch its head.

she looked into its golden yellow eyes that showed dominance and fear.. iseul somewhat felt sadness from this baby. it growled lowly before slowly making it's way closer to the petite girl.

"sh.. it's okay. i'm not going to hurt you darling." she soothingly cooed out.

the wolf's eyes soften and leaned their head towards iseul's palm. the softness of the fur made impact onto iseul's hand and she felt calm at the warmth that radiated from this pure creature.

"do you have a name? probably not why would you have one. no one should have owned you. you're too precious for the human kind to have captured you. are you a boy or girl? can you even understand me? probably not.." she rambled on a bit.

the wolf looked up at and licked her hand. iseul looked back and petted this unknown wolf she met. she smiled lightly before standing up before the sunset.

iseul walking away back to go home before feeling the wolf fur on the back of her hand. she turned to see them follow her back. she kneeled down to their level.

"i'll be back tomorrow, okay? stay here away from the world. i'll call you lin!"

bubs whined and turned around and laid by the spot where iseul once was. iseul looked at bubs one last time before finally making her way to go see her little angel's at home.

"iseul i thought i told you i wanted you to be home before 6 pm? why are you home so late!" her current foster father yelled.

"it's only 6:10."

"i don't care if its 6:10 right now, if i say you need to be home by 6, i expect you home by then! do you understand?" iseul just nodded her head not wanting to deal with him before making her way upstairs.

"take that damn baby away from me before I'll throw it out of the window. all it does is cry!"

iseul walked into her room to see her baby sister crying hysterically. they left her all alone in the room all day. she went to pick up a diaper before making her way to change her.

hei ryung finally stopped crying as she was embraced in her sister's warmth after being gone all day. making her a bottle before finally sitting down feeding the poor baby.

"i seriously need to get us out of here." iseul brushed her hand through her hair. hei  ryung finished her bottle and iseul burped her before playing a bit with her. hei giggling at seeing the stuffed giraffe and iseul smiled.

"hei.. i'm sorry you have to live like this. i promise it'll be better soon. just believe in noona, okay? i miss mom and dad a lot."

where were they when she needed them the most? the baby only continued to play with the stuffed doll as iseul was lost in her thoughts.

donghyuck was honestly worried about iseul. he hated the thought that he even cared about her but he couldn't help it. there was something that screamed he needed to save her.

he quite honestly enjoyed her presence and she had similar humor with him. smacking himself for thinking this way of an angel. his mind racing everywhere unaware of chenle.

"hyung if you're just going to look at the wall for hours on end i'm going to eat first." chenle yelled before jumping off his bed and running out the door. he ran after the younger boy since he was starting to get hungry as well.

renjun was on the couch playing on his phone before tossing it to the side. seeing chenle and donghyuck walking into the kitchen.

renjun got up and went outside. he felt too stuffy inside the house. he needed to calm his running mind. he teleported to the top of the palace.

he sat at the edge of the roof of the castle. he always felt calmer during the night and high up in the sky. the moonlight lit up his features and his milky skin.

"are you about to jump? if so let me join you too."

renjun looked back to see donghyuck looking back at him smirking. he rolled his eyes before looking at the view in front of him. donghyuck came and sat beside him.

"you know, you never come up here unless there's something seriously wrong."

"since when did you notice me and my habits? stalker much." renjun wasn't having it tonight.

"damn who you hurt-"

donghyuck was soon falling off the edge of the palace as renjun walked away. realizing he was falling, he quickly started to fly back up and land right in front of renjun.

"what the fuck was that for??"

"thought you said you wanted to jump off, i did you a favor." renjun walked away. "you almost killed royalty you fucker." donghyuck glared at the older. 

"i thought you didn't care about being royalty? switching up now?" renjun taunted before turning away.

"haha, so funny." donghyuck rolled his eyes before watching the boy jump off the roof and he soon joined him in the air.


sorry i suck at dialogue right now 😭👍

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