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the sound of bloody screams echoed throughout the soundproof room. there stood iseul and jisung side by side as usual, patrolling the execution of the fallen angel's.

iseul grown painfully inmunned to the sound and sight, stood with a stoic look with the still petrified jisung on her right. her hand cautiously hovering above her blade on her thigh.

the angel girl's emotion ran high and through inside of her- she couldn't afford for her thoughts to disrupt her current situation. tranced in the thought of that could've been her anyday if renjun had not been there.

chains, that's what would've been around her bruised wrist and ankles in the center of the room in a line. watching painfully as your brethren cries out in agony for your help- but you can do nothing.

they would hook the chains onto your sensitive wing and dangle you from one in the center until it... fully and slowly ripped off. they would do it twice and throw you out a chute instantly into the earth.


it was iseul's turn next as they were about to pierce the hardest part of the wing and pull her up into the center- in the air to be shown of her painful execution-

"what's up with you iseul?" jisung's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked up at him. she shook her head lightly as he continued to stare at her worryingly. iseul had zoning out a lot and it was bothering jisung.

iseul usually never acted like this when they were together and jisung didn't know what to do.

"what?" she said gritting through her teeth keeping her gazed fixed on one angel crying and begging to be released. jisung decided to let it go and just awkwardly stare at the wall. iseul felt the air around them shift and she looked over to the side.

no one was there.

she returned her gaze back in the front but she felt a new presence. iseul sighed before unscathing her blade out and pointed it way too closely towards jisung's side. jisung stopped breathing looking at the blade barely touching his nose.

"drop the weapon now and move your hands away from him." she demanded at person next to jisung with her blade on their neck.

"they weren't lying about you being scary-"

in less than 5 seconds, iseul kicked their knee back and and hooked her leg around theirs and flipped the blade to their neck.
they were now in a  headlock position by the angel and whincing at the pain, putting their hands up in the air.

jisung nervously chuckled and rubbed the tip of his nose before doing the same.

"okay, okay! i'm not going to harm you-" iseul tighten her grip before whispering lightly, "and how would i know when you were about to jab that flimsy fake." she deadpanned.

"i was just going to see what you would do-" jisung cut him off rolling his eyes.
"you're pretty dumb if you already knew our abilities." the guy being held at knife point gave an offended look to jisung.

"who are you anyway and why are you so stupid?"

"i'm not stupid! i have a reason for looking so dumb.." he yelled out but iseul inched the black blade closer to his neck. "okay, maybe i am." jisung laughed before putting his weapon down.

"just tell us your name."

"lee, mark lee."

"and who sent you here, mark lee?" jisung interrogated him. mark stayed still in iseul's grip afraid of what she will do.
"i-i don't know how i got here? i honestly don't know how i ended up in angel territory either." mark truthfully revealed. his eyes were a dark purple.

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