that night iseul came home to a not-so-happy sora and lin. well to say that they weren't that fond of having a vampire living under their roof was an understatement. mark frightly stood a few feet away from iseul.

the moment they arrived, lin had launched himself to her and put distance between the two. sighing, iseul went up to lin and petted the top of his head as a sign to back down. he grumpily stood down and went behind her but never faltering his guard.

"look, mark is just going to stay for a little bit. he needs somewhere to stay and he can barely hurt a fly." iseul's hand flies towards mark- who was inching away from a bug.

sora pulled iseul to the side away from mark who was visibly scared. "darling, i know you only mean well but are you sure he's not going to kill us all in the middle of the night?" iseul had her mindset on this already and she couldn't risk it.

"i promise it'll be on me and i'll watch him. please trust me on this?" iseul tried to reason with sora. iseul looked at sora as she kept going over the idea in her head. sora gave iseul a soft look and grabbed her hands.

"okay honey but please don't do this again? it could bring risk to us all and i'll be having lin sleeping in the children's bedroom." the warm hands of sora made iseul smile. she nodded her head as sora kissed the back of her hand.

overtime sora had grown a strong affection for the han family and all she wanted was for all of them to be safe. iseul's cold hands had been searching for safe warm hands and now it's standing right in front of her.

"thank you sora, truly.." iseul's eyes soften, and gave her hand a tight squeeze before letting go of the comforting warm hands and turning her attention back to mark.

iseul's eyes were focused on lin as he continued to look at mark with much vengeance. "lin back off he's staying with us." mark slowly looked back and forward between the two in front of him.

"thank you iseul. i don't know how to thank you for this."

"well c'mon inside now." iseul gently smiled before rubbing lin's soft spot. "sure iseul about this?" lin spoke softly. she nodded her head and ran her hand through his fur.

mark gasped loudly pointing at lin. iseul chuckled softly before pulling mark a little closer to lin. "yes he can talk and i promise he's very sweet." mark reached out slowly never looking away from lin's beautiful moon eyes.

"i'm not sure if i could believe you right now but that's so cool!" his eyes lit up like a child as his hand finally reached lin's forehead.

"he's so.. soft?" sora watched from behind watching a soft moment unfold. all she could do was hope for the best.
"lin soft very because of iseul." lin proudly stated as iseul walked away in embarrassment.

lin follows and is glued to iseul's side as mark is stunned by the sudden new changes.


the infamous black wings and red eyes were out as usual during the night. renjun and donghyuck were together as usual trying to show each other up. the moon was almost halfway filled up yet their energies were not drained.

renjun came along with donghyuck for a midnight snack around 1 am. renjun wanted to savor the moment of fresh air as donghyuck actually only wanted to show off and scare others.

with the wind blowing against his skin high in the atmosphere feeling it through his entire body soaking it in almost as if it was the last time, he would fly.

"hey renjun?" he turned his head to the only other voice beside him and looked at donghyuck's side profile.

"what do yo-"

"have you ever thought of what it would be like to fall in love again? like would you think you'll be capable of doing it again? do you think you'll be able to trust a new stranger who you'll grow to love over time and do the same as you did to someone you thought was the one?"

renjun quietly listens to the words falling out of his best friend's mouth. losing his focus on donghyuck to his own thoughts, his hidden memories he locked away.

memories of when she was here with him and alive. oh how lovely she looked with her hair down in the wind and smiling so brightly at him. she never once cared if he was a blood-sucking demon or the pitch-black wings on his back.

all she truly wanted was him and nothing else. at least, that's how he felt about her. maybe that was his way of perceiving love back then. maybe that wasn't enough, that love and the attachment wasn't enough.

renjun snaps out of his little daze before blinking like a doe. donghyuck was right up in the face with a worried look before pushing him away.

"what the hell man-" donghyuck flew off a little before rolling his eyes. "you dazed off and i got worried."

"but no i don't think of that at all. i also am not going to ever fall in love again. why even bother asking such questions if you already know the answer?"

donghyuck's mouth parted slightly before licking his lips. "people tend to say many things that they know that are beyond their own reach. they want to believe what they say but it doesn't always go the way they want it to be."

renjun abruptly stood up standing still. "what do you know about love? what do you know about anything about me or of things like this?"

"i'm not that clueless you know? i'll let you be for now. you seem to need it." donghyuck flew off leaving renjun alone.

there he stood alone as the darkness engulfed the night. the deafening silent was slowing swallowing renjun up inside. his head was slowly spinning as his thoughts were consuming him up little by little.

you should've been braver instead of running away.

"i need a break." he said as he jumped off into the sea of darkness.


hi!! i know it's been SO LONG!! school is kicking my ass right now but here you guys go. in love love love with this idea and i'm so thankful for those who were waiting. muahhh <3

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