You wanna battle then lets battle.

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I was dancing with Blaise when suddenly someone bumped into me. I turned around and saw a girl standing in front of me. I ignored her and kept dancing with Blaise. And suddenly I felt someone push me.

"Ok that's enough." I whispered and Blaise heard.

"What?" He asked.

I was about to respond when someone pushed me again.

"What is your problem bitch!" I asked and glared at her.

Everyone then stopped and looked at us.

"You!" She said.

"How am I a problem? I don't even know you!" I said and crossed my arms.

"Your my problem since your here dancing like you own the place!" The girl said.

I looked at her from head to toe. I knew what kind of girl this is 'The Wannabe.' She try's to act like she rules but she doesn't.

"Alright Miss. Wannabe. Let me ask you a question." I said and smirked.

"What Mudblood?" She asked.

"Do you really wanna mess with me?" I asked.

"Pansy I don't think you should mess with Rose!" Felicia said.

"Shut up Felicia." I said. "You'll ruin my fun."

Felicia went quite and Pansy looked at me.

"And what can a filthy little Mudblood do to me?" She asked. "Touch me and I'll have your head for it."

I laughed.

"You shouldn't mess with me Pansy." I said. "You don't wanna mess with me."

"And why is that?" She asked.

"Cause if you do mess with me your messing with my family!" I said.

"What can a Mudblood family do to me?" She asked.

"Do you mean what can a West Family do to you!?" I said and smirked.

"A-a-a West Family." Pansy asked.

"Yes. Listen darling I'm a West a Pureblood, My family is very well known, rich, and we are a pretty big family too. Felicia my cousin well let's just say that her parents love us a lot and would do anything to anyone if they where to find out that we where hurt." I said and smirked.

I then saw that Pansy was scared.

"Oh no no no no." I said. "No need to be scared. I'm just telling you what might happen if you do decide to hurt me. Not that you can."

Everyone was quiet and didn't say anything.

"Well is this a party or a fight?" I asked. "Chose which one before I get bored and go to bed."

I then heard a lot of gasps and knew that Pansy just did something. I turned around and saw that she had her wand in her hand.

"That's more like it." I thought.

I then reached for my wand. Pansy then started to shoot spells at me but I send them back. Felicia had told me that Hogwarts hadn't really learned any spells for DADA. I was getting bored of this little fight so I did the first spell that came to mind.

"Stupefy!" I said.

Pansy didn't know how to block the spell so she ended up getting knocked out. I just rolled my eyes and put my wand back in my pocket.


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