Their Fight.

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Time went by and Uncle Sev has allows me to apparate in and out of Hogwarts in my dorm and in his office. Well he doesn't know that I can disapparate from Hogwarts from my dorm. I sorta just put in the letter saying that it was his personal office. I have gone to see Hermione once and that was when the snatchers almost caught her. I disapparated not being able to see Ron. I have also been on the hunt to find the other missing Horcruxes. I found out that Nagini is also a Horcruxs. I found the Hufflepuff cup that is also a Horcruxs and we had Crazy Aunt Bella put it away in her vault along with an exact replica of the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. I was having more trouble finding Rowena Ravenclaw's missing Diadem. Everything else was found and ready for Harry to find. I have kept Hermione in the loop of what's going on but told her not to tell Harry. I have multiple scares on my body now since I have been punished by the Carrow Twins more and more often. Uncle Sev gets mad at me but I just roll my eyes at him. Daphne and Felicia spend a lot of time with Blaise and Theo so I call Draco and tell him to come over. He apparate's to my room after dinner and leaves around midnight before bed check. Today I'm going to go and spend a bit of time with the Trio and see how they are doing. I miss them it's been nearly 2 months since I last saw them. The Carrow Twins had come early for bed check so I'm going to leave earlier. I put on Black jeans, a Grey hoodie, a Blue with Red Flannel, a jean jacket, a Grey knitted beanie, and a pair of my Black hiking boots.

 I put on Black jeans, a Grey hoodie, a Blue with Red Flannel, a jean jacket, a Grey knitted beanie, and a pair of my Black hiking boots

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I got out the black backpack that had the necessities that I packed for the Trio. I put on my jewelry and grabbed my wand. I then apparated to where they where staying at. Now I just had to find them. I pulled out my wand and waved it around.

"Expecto Patronum!" I whispered softly.

My dragon then came out from the tip of my wand. It started to fly away. I then saw it fly into something and then it disappeared. I stood where I was not making a sound to then I wouldn't get caught. Then I saw a black figure get close to me. I pointed my wand at it and then quickly lowered it when I saw that it was Harry.

"James." I said and ran to him.

"Elizabeth." He said and pulled me into a hug.

I pulled apart and he gestured for me to follow him. We then walked into this barrier and walked into the tent. Hermione quickly hugged me and gave me a side kiss on the cheek. I looked around and saw Ron sleeping. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead.

"How is everything at Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"It's different and well it's changed." I said.

They looked at me and nodded.

"Come on Harry I still need to cut your hair again." Hermione said and walked over to a chair.

Harry then sat down on another chair that was in front of Hermione and she started to cut his hair.

"Wow James never thought I'd see you with long hair." I said and giggled.

"Oh shut up." He said and nudged me softly.

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