Gryffindor Table.

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I couldn't believe it. I was officially engaged, and I have the ring to prove it. Of course we had not really told anyone about our engagement well except for me telling Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Felicia, Daphne, Alicia, and Olivia. Draco had also told Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle. But then I realized that I wasn't going to be able to wear my ring here at school so I had to think of something else. I then got out of Draco's embrace and looked at him.

"Come with me real quick." I said and grabbed his hand.

He looked at me all confused as I dragged him out of his dorm and into mine.

"Princess what's wrong?" He asked as I walked over to my nightstand.

"Well since nobody knows about our engagement except for your friends and my friends I can't go around showing off this ring." I said and dug through my things.

"Then what are you going to do put it back in the box?" He asked and walked towards me.

"No." I simply said and found what I was looking for. "I'm going to wear mine on a chain."

He smirked and looked at the chains I was holding up. He then grabbed the silver chain and put his ring in it. I then also put my ring on it and gestured for Draco to put it on me. When he did I stuffed the ring into my black crop top.

"There see." I said and looked at Draco.

He smirked and looked at me. He then gave me a small peck and held my hand.

"Come on let's go eat." He said and pulled me out of my dorm.

We walked to the Great Hall hand in hand. When we walked in I saw that the Golden Trio was already there having breakfast. I pulled Draco towards the Gryffindor table and he looked at me and shook his head no. I then sat down next to Harry and the boys looked at Draco.

"Good morning." I said.

"Morning Liz. Morning Malfoy." Hermione then said and went back to eating.

I tugged on Draco's sleeve gesturing him to sit down. He sat down next to me and looked at Hermione.

"Morning Granger." He said and looked at her.

I looked at Harry and smiled. He just raised his eyebrow. I then looked at Ron and he had the same expression on his face with a little bit of shock.

"What?" I asked while nudging Harry and snapping my fingers at Ron.

"Malfoy is sitting at our table." Ron mumbled out.

"Yea so?" I asked and looked at them.

"It's just surprising." Harry said and looked at Draco.

"Ok if my 2 best friends and my boyfriend can't get alone I'm leaving with Hermione." I said and looked up at them.

They didn't say anything about it at first but then Harry looked at Malfoy. He sighed and opened his about to speak but I looked at him with a face saying 'you better be nice.'

"Morning Malfoy." He said and looked at Draco.

"Morning Pottah." Draco said and looked at Harry. "Weasley."

"Malfoy." Ron said and sorta tried to smile at Draco.

"See that wasn't to hard now was it?" I asked and grabbed some Strawberry Tart.

Hermione just giggled and looked at me. We all ate and talked and for once it felt like Draco wasn't their enemy but a friend. I knew that this was only for right now since Harry thinks that Draco is a Death Eater. As I ate I gave both Draco and Harry spoonfuls of food.

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