Meeting new friends.

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It was 8:15 in the morning. I got up showered to then I wouldn't smell like alcohol and then when I finished showering I put on a little bit of my Paris Hilton perfume. I then put on a black and white striped long sleeve shirt, a black skirt, my timeturner and I put on my black high heel boots. I also grabbed a black purse. I put my wand and my phone in there.

I went down to the Common Room and almost nobody in the Slytherin house was awake

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I went down to the Common Room and almost nobody in the Slytherin house was awake. I then walked out of the Common Room and walked to the Great Hall. I was on the phone texting. When I then bumped into someone. And they dropped their books.

"Oh my Merlin I'm so sorry." I said.

I then started to pick up the books from the ground. I then got up and gave it to this girl. She was the same height as me, brown eyes, and light brown wavy hair.

"It's alright." She said.

"I'm Rose West." I introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Hermione Granger." She said.

"I'm so sorry it's just that I wasn't looking where I was going." I said.

"It's alright. You just transferred here yesterday correct?" Hermione asked.

"Yup I come from Ilvermrony." I told her.

"Cool. You where also sorted into Slytherin right?" She said and asked.

"Yea. In Ilvermorny I was also chosen into Horned Serpent It's pretty cool that I got sorted into another house with a serpent as their animal." I said.

"Yea but not all Slytherin's are as nice as you are." Hermione told me.

"I know. This met this boy rude and cold." I told her.

"So I take it you met Slytherin's Prince." She said.

"Tell me more about him." I said.

"Come on I was heading to a DADA meeting you can come too if you want." Hermione said.

"Alright." I said.

We started to walk.

"Ok so tell me about this Prince!" I said and rolled my eyes.

"The Prince of Slytherin aka Draco Malfoy!" Hermione said.

"What about me Mudblood?" A voice then said.

"Shove off Malfoy." Hermione said not even turning around.

"Who's this?" He asked. "Another one of your half-blooded friends?"

"Well well well." I said and turn around. "I know you. Your girlfriend sucks at casting spells you know."

Hermione then laughed.

"What are you doing with her." He asked.

"Talking. And what the fuck do you care?" I said and asked.

"Your a Slytherin!" He said.

"So?" I asked.

"You don't talk to Gryffindorks!" He said.

"I talk to who ever I want. Malfoy!" I said.

"Don't call me that!" He said in anger.

"Whatever come on Hermione let's go." I said and took Hermione by the hand.

"Make a left here." She said in a whisper.

I made a left and a door was there. I opened it and we went in. I then saw that there where a ton of people here. Hermione then grabbed my hand and walked me over to a ton of girls.

"Hey girls this is Rose." Hermione introduced me.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi Rose." They said in union.

"Ok this is Luna she's a Ravenclaw." Hermione said.

Hermione said and pointed at a platinum blonde girl. We then waved at each other.

"Ginny she's a Gryffindor." Hermione said.

"Hey." We said in union.

Hermione then introduced me to every one. I had met new friends. I haven't felt this happy since I was at Ilvermorny.


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