Chapter 13

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Hey everyone, heres chapter 13 as promised :) i hope u enjoy. comment and vote please


Prepping to meet master’s mother and father was a tedious task. The maids, aka other slaves, dressed me in a nice knee length red dress. I wasn’t the kind you would wear to a party, more like a housedress. However, it was still pretty. While one girl was busy braiding my hair, another was working on putting just a little make up on my lips and eyes. I was never one for this type of thing. I never liked being pampered. Darren knew that well. I normally would wear my dark jeans and a gothic shirt with eyeliner and my favorite boots. So wearing a dress was definitely a new thing for me, not to mention uncomfortable.

“Dawn, u have to stay still for me to get this right,” one of the girls sigh and try to finish getting me ready. All that was left were the shoes, which were sadly a simple pair of black flats. So not me. Once I was finished being treated like a dress up doll, another girl came into the room.

“Girls, master Alister is demanding Dawn to be by his side now. The king and queen are waiting.” With those words, the slaves gave me a last touch up and sent me with the girl. She gave me afew last minute tips on how to act while in the king and queen’s company. What she didn’t know was that I had already met the queen afew days ago in the secret indoor garden. I followed her to the room outside the small ballroom. Master was waiting outside the big double doors. Once there, the girl who escorted me quickly left the room.

“What took you so long, pet? You know I hate to be kept waiting,” he said while looking me over, making sure I'm presentable.

“I'm sorry. The other girls were set on making me feel like a Barbie doll.” My words dripped in sarcasm. I'm not too thrilled in being forced into this meeting. I just wanted it over with. “You better not embarrass me, pet. Show respect to my mother and father and you may actually live to remain as my slave.” And with those words, he opened the door and walked in with me following at his back.

It was the king who spoke first. “Ah, Alister my son, it is about time you let us meet your newest pet. Let us see the little thing.”

“Of course, father,” Master said as he stepped aside to reveal me. I just stood there, keeping my eyes down, not in obedience but to actually hide my anger in still being a slave. I wasn’t going to let this man make me even more of a slave.

He chuckled when he saw me. “This little flower is younger than your last pet Alister. How old is she, 13?”

“I'm 17 mister! I'm not a little kid!” That earned my one of the hardest slaps I had ever gotten in my time as a slave. It knocked me to the floor on my butt, which in all honesty, actually did hurt. I'm pretty sure the hit also gave me whiplash too. The worst part was that it wasn’t Master Alister who slapped me. It was his father.

“Listen you little brat, you are a slave in this house and you will act as one or suffer the consequences! Now show respect and act like a good little girl,” said the king. I whimpered in fear but I didn’t reply. He finally stepped back and I slowly stood back up, standing closer to Master Alister without realizing it. To my dismay, he actually chuckled at my pain, which was nothing new. His mother remained silent throughout all this as she watched in perfect calm.

It was my master who spoke next, “Oh father, be easy of the girl. Her feistiness is quite amusing to me and I don’t want her broken just yet. It’s the whole reason I stole her away in the first place. I watched her for afew weeks before I took her. Hell, I even got an early taste of her blood before taking her”, he chuckled. “Plus, you know I’ve always liked strong willed pets. They’re very good for entertainment.”

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