Chapter 1

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Hey there, heres the first chapter. I hope u like it. Read, Enjoy, Vote, and Comment. Thanks :)

It was only a week until my 17th birthday, but my mother was already going crazy about my party. Sometimes I was happy I get to go to school every day. It kept me away from my her constant party planning. But in the end, I still had to go home afterwards.

"Mom, I'm home!" I called out as I entered the house.

My mother looked up from preparing tonight's dinner to greet me.

"Hi honey, how was school?" She asked, but her attention returned to preparing dinner.

"School was normal: boring, easy, and a waste of my time," I shrugged as I walked passed the kitchen and headed upstairs to my attic bedroom.

Our house had three stories: the basement, main floor (which had my parents' room, a bathroom, the dining room, and the living room), and the attic, AKA my room. My parents are scared of coming into my room. They always said it was like a "vampire's lair".

Once I was in my room, I tossed my books onto my desk.

"I'll do my homework later." I said to myself as I plopped back onto my big queen sized bed.

I turned on my bedside lamp that sat on a small table next to my bed. As I reached for my current favorite book, "Shattered Mirror", I noticed a small white envelope on the table. I picked it up and looked to see who had sent it.

"Hmmm, there's no return odd."

I turned the envelope over and opened it, but before I could break the seal, something shiny caught my attention. I realized what caught my eye was the small rose shape seal that was holding the envelope closed.

The rose seal was an exquisite shade of black, the stem had thorns on it but they looked like they had blood on them. I opened the letter, careful not to rip the beautiful seal and read the letter:

Hello there Sweets. If you are reading this the I can assume you have received this letter. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I request an invitation to the birthday party that will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN by such a girl like you. 



Who was this "Nightwalker" and how did he know where I lived? These were the thoughts that bounced around my mind as I read the letter again. The handwriting was so beautiful, as if it were written in script by a quill pen.

As I studied the signature, I realized there was a blotch of red below it. The spot looked as if it could be blood.

I decided to text my best friend Darren, maybe he knew something about this.

-Dawn: Hey darren

-Darren: Hey wats up girl?

-Dawn: Something odd happened today

-Darren: Wat?

-Dawn: I got this letter from a guy named "nightwalker"

-Darren: Whos that?

-Dawn: I dont kno. I was hoping you could tell me. He asked for an invitation to my party

-Darren: I'v never heard of the guy. I dont like the sound of this. Dont invite him.

-Dawn: I dont plan to.

I did not tell Darren about the seal or the drop of blood that I found on the letter. That would only worry him more. But still, the letter was creepy.

Darren had been my best friend since we first met back in grade school. He was like an older brother to me, always protecting me, especially at night.

Nobody knew it but he was not completely human. Even I don’t know. He had black hair and reddish brown eyes. Sometimes I’ve seen his eyes and thought they were completely red but then I'd blink and they'd be back to normal. He was always so mysterious and never spoke of his past. Oh, and he liked wearing black, like me.

I told him goodnight because I had things to do, like the dreaded homework.

After I had spent  about 2½ hours on homework, I took a shower. I wash my long, black and red hair and washed my body then got out and put on my pj's.

"Geez it's been such a long day" I said to myself as I laid back in bed. I thought about that letter and wonder who it was from. Darren seemed to think it couldn't be good. I wondered what he knew. He always seemed tense when subjects like these came up. I sighed and turned out the light and went to bed. I decided to skip dinner. 

Little did I know,  I was being watched.

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