Chapter 2

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Hey everybody heres chapter 2. I really hope u like it. Read comment vote. :)


"Oh, I can't wait for this weekend!" I squealed as I walked home from school with Darren. My birthday was tomorrow and I just couldn’t wait.

"You're coming to the party right?" I asked him anxiously.

"Of course, I wouldn't let you throw a party without me, what if one of those guys tried to do something?" He smirked jokingly.

I giggled and punched him playfully in the arm, "Nothing's going to happen because my mom and dad will be there...but you still better come."

 "I'll be there," he assured

We walked side by side down the streets of the little town of Ramsa. It was almost winter so it was beginning to get dark alot sooner than normal. We decided to hang out for a while before I had to go home.

"It's getting dark Dawn, I should get you home."

"No, I don't want to go home yet." I whined.

"No whining Dawn, it is dark and you know I don't like you out after dark," He told me, with a hard look in his eyes.

"Why don't you want me out after dark anyways? You never tell me."

"Because it's dangerous around here at night, you know that. I don't want anything happening to you." He sighs.

I looked up at him with a questioning gaze, "Fine." It was always hard to tell him no.

As we walked down the streets toward my home, I noticed Darren was tense. I wondered why.

*             *             *

After Darren dropped me off, I was caught by my mother. She wanted me to find an outfit to wear for tomorrow before I went to bed. I did as I was told and found a cute black, gothic mini skirt with chains and a black tank top to match it, then I got ready for bed.

The next day, I was bustling around to get ready for the party. I only had a few friends coming over. I was never a big fan of parties.

Mom did a great job decorating the house. I had to admit she knew me well. All the decorations were just perfect, especially since they matched this month's theme. My birthday was in late October so everything was decorated in a Halloween theme, which I totally approved of. It was almost time for my friends to start arriving. I told everyone to bring their swimsuits because mom is letting us use her hot tub in the backyard. I made sure not to invite that "Nightwalker" guy just as Darren said. I've learned from past experiences that when Darren says to do something, it's probably safer to obey him.

I heard the doorbell ring and I rushed to greet my friends. I hoped it was Darren, but my hopes fell when I opened the door to see Jared and Sammi. Either way, I was happy to see my classmates.

"Jared! Sammi! I'm so happy you could make it!" I hugged them as they walked through the door. Not many kids around my school knew it but these two were perfect lovers. I think they belong together.

As the night fell, the rest of my friends arrived, but still no Darren.

"I'm starting to get worried. Darren said he'd be here, he promised me." I complained to my friend, Jenni.

"Don't worry Dawn, I'm sure he'll show up. Maybe he just got held up somewhere."

"I don't know, he's always telling me to stay inside at night. Oh, I hope he makes it. Maybe I should try to text him."

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