chapter 19

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Alister’s POV

I knew Dawn would be safe and able to recover in the infirmary. I didn’t see that witch boy when I went in there. He must have been behind one of the other sheets. As I walked through the halls, all I could think of was the image of Chaos with his fangs buried deep in Dawn’s throat. When I had entered the library, her body was limp in his arms. She could no longer make any sound of distress by time I got there, he had weakened her too much. As my mind rushed through the memory of the scene, my rage at my brother’s actions returned. I would see to it that he suffered.

I made my way through the mansion, my fury radiating off of me. I saw many slaves stumble over themselves trying to get out of my way. At this point, I could care less as I searched out my older brother.

“CHOAS! You better show yourself before I hunt you down and kill you,” I yelled through the house. I doubted he’d show himself. He was probably in some room feeding off another slave. That or he was getting laid.

I stormed through the house, finally catching onto where he went. As I followed his presence, I wasn’t surprised to walk into one of the studies and find him feeding off a young slave girl. The girl was already half naked as he held her around the waist with one hand and caressed her lower regions with his other hand. I shook my head, disgusted with the scene.

I made my presence known, causing Chaos to lift his head from her throat, eliciting a whimpered whine from her. His blood red eyes found mine and he smirked, revealing his fangs.

“Care to join me, brother? Terra here seems not to mind being played with, unlike your ungrateful bitch of a blood slave,” he sneered.

I met his taunt with a growl and looked at the girl, who was watching me. Fear began to seep into her eyes as her haze of pleasure wore off and she realized she was caught between two angry vampire princes.

“Chaos, what you did was unforgivable. You had no right to be anywhere near my slave in the first place, so what gave you the idea you could feed from her instead? Now I have to wait for her to recover and retrain her to accept my bites after you forced yourself on her,” I growled.

He shrugged, “The bitch deserved what she got. I was being nice and she went and kicked me. So I punished her. She’s lucky to be alive at all. I was planning on killing her after I got to feed and play with that body of her’s. You might also want to punish that witch boy for attacking me,” he said.

I was sick of his banter. I looked at the girl in his arms, “Leave girl, or get caught between us and die,” I threatened. I heard her whimper as she pulled out of my brother’s grip. She stumbled out of the room, desperate to escape the hostile environment. When I looked back at my brother, I saw his demeanor had changed to annoyance.

“Again, you take away my meal, Alister. I was enjoying her, you know? She was perfectly obedient. I almost had her begging to be fucked,” he remarked, his tone amused but annoyed.

“You know, little brother, that slave of yours was rather tasty. I would have enjoyed ravishing her body. Do you know how many girls I have killed after bedding them? I think I would have kept her alive though, just to torment her with pain while I enjoyed her,” he chuckled.

That was it. I had had it with him. I walked up to him with a murderous look in my eyes, and clocked him square in the jaw, making him stumble back against the settee. He looked up at me while rubbing his jaw, “Aww did I make you mad, little brother? Good,” he smirked as he kicked my feet out from under me. Within seconds, we were going at each other, dodging blows and striking out at one another. I fought in a red haze. All I wanted to do was make him suffer. I landed a wicked kick to his ribs, hearing the satisfying sound of them breaking, only to be rewarded by a stab of pain in my skull. He had struck out with his fist at the same moment I had.

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