Chapter 9

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Hi there readers, sooo sorry for the long wait, iv been busy with entrance exams and skool. thanks for being patient. heres chapter 9 finally. hope yall enjoy. read comment and vote. please and thank you ^_^

 ~Dawn's POV~

The chores "Master Alister gave me were not that bad. Honestly, they were quite simple. All I had to do was clean his room, help out in the kitchen, and dust his weapons. He had an old-fashion taste in weaponry for living in the 21st century. He seemed to love sharp objects, which I was not complaining, I loved them too. Normally, I would even carry afew small daggers with me everywhere I went. But while I was dusting, I saw afew of his torture devices....that scared me.

When I looked out the window, I saw that the sun was almost past the horizon. I loved watching when the sun rose and set. My parents used to say the dawning sun was what inspired my name.

Other than afew basics, I was never really told the house rules for the slaves. I walked outside, finding myself in a wonderful garden. Alister's mother must like gardening and flowers. The smell of the blossoming flowers was calming and relaxing.

As I walked through the garden, I hummed an old lullaby Darren used to sing to me when I was scared. I missed him so much. 

I followed the dirt path to a grassy area. This must be the backyard or something. When I spotted afew trees over at the far end of the yard I decided to go over to them.

Peering up a tree, I could tell it was climbable. I used to love climbing trees when I was little. I sighed and climbed up to a sturdy branch and sat on it, relaxing against its thick strong trunk.

The sky was splashed with calming shades of red, orange, and purple and pinks. I watched the sun slowly descend over the horizon. Darren used to never let me outside at sunset or after. He used to tell me that it was too dangerous...and now I knew why. Next time I saw him, if I ever saw him again, I was going to tell him how sorry I am for not listening. He was only trying to protect me from vampires....and his self I guess.

I saw a few stars beginning to appear in the purplish sky. I made a wish.

"Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight," I whispered to myself. I wished for Darren to save me.

A light breeze carried the scent of a cool night as blew by me, rustling the leaves above me. I watched as a few broke off and flew away. I wished I could do that. Break off from this prison and float on the wind to safety.

The sun had finally set but the sky was still purple from the last few rays of light. It was so peaceful out here that I never noticed Prince Chaos as he landed on the branch.

"What do you think you're doing out here slave?" He asked coldly. I jumped and opened my eyes and saw him glaring at me with those cold, hard eyes. "I uh...I'm just...," I looked around nervously, "I'm just relaxing in the sunset." I finally said, my fear gone, my voice was bold. His blue eyes only got icier. He stepped to me. I was trapped so high up.

"Get up and get down. I'm taking you to my brother. He's not happy by the way," He said. I heard anger in his voice. There was nothing I could really do but obey, so I climbed down carefully. When I reached the ground, I saw him already there and looking very impatient.

"How...? How did you get down so fast?" I asked, stunned.

"I'm not hindered by your pathetic human body that lacks ability." He answered flatly, as he grabbed my arm tightly. "Ow, that hurts. Let go," I tried to pry his grip from my arm but my attempts seemed useless against him as he dragged me back inside.

As we walked through the house, we passed other slaves. Each one that saw me seemed to have an apologetic look in their eyes. That made me worry. Did I do something wrong? I don’t think so. I did all my chores like Alister told me, and then I went outside to watch the sunset.

We reached Alister's room.

"Alister, wake up. I think you need to deal with your new slave!" Chaos called. After afew more moments, I heard my master call for us to enter his room.

Once inside, Prince Chaos threw me to the floor at Alister's feet. 

"Ah!" I whimpered, when I landed hard on my side.

"I caught your new pet outside in a tree by the edge of the property. Didn't you tell her the house rules?"

"Not yet, but I'll tell her now. Thanks for catching her...leave now Chaos." 

"Fine," Prince Chaos said, and then he disappeared.

As far as I knew, I had not done anything wrong...but it seemed I had. Staying silent, I kept my eyes on the floor after I sat up.

"Look at me slave." Alister ordered. I heard his words, but I was scared to move.

"NOW slave!" He growled. He was angry at me. I was gonna get hurt again. I hesitated before I obeyed him.

Finally, I looked up at him, I saw the pure anger in his eyes, my voice trembled in fear,"....What Master....?"

"You are one lucky little slave. Do you know that? I could whip you for going outside. But I won't...this time. But only because I didn't tell you the rules. So be thankful. Now listen closely because I'm not repeating ANY of the rules. Understood?"

"....Y-Yes...master...I...I understand."

"Good," he said flatly and began to list the rules one by one.

"Rule #1: Obey ALL rules or be punished to the full extent. Rule #2: Do everything you're told without question. 3: Do not leave this house without permission or unless I'm with you. Rule #4: When permitted to leave the house, do not go off the grounds. Rule #5," he smirked, "you are my personal slave. You WILL do everything I tell you, including giving me sex and your blood whenever I wish."

"But…" I protested meekly. "No buts! You are a slave and you shall do as I say or suffer the consequences!" He growled, making me want to move away.

"Y-yes master,' I said, trembling. He smirked at my fear, loving how weak and vulnerable I looked. His eyes darkened, becoming a dark, deadly red.

"Get up, pet." He ordered. Obediently, I slowly and tentatively stood. He pulled me to him grabbing me by the waist, holding me tight.

"Master...What are you doing?" I asked, scared. I tried not to look at his transfixing features, but I could not help silently admiring him. He was shirtless with perfect abs that I had seen only once before in my own backyard.

"I'm making you completely MY slave," he whispered in a low growl, close to my ear. The words were entrancing the way he said them.

"What do you--", He suddenly ripped off my shirt, exposing my red bra. Quickly, I troed to cover myself, blushing shyly. "NO!" I whimpered, embarrassed. I heard him chuckle before he suddenly tosses me on the bed. He walked over, smirking at my stunned face.

"Now little pet, you must be good and behave or I'll make sure this will be extremely painful."

I felt fear twist a tight knot in my stomach as I felt his breath on my neck. I could not fight him off, not with how strong he was. The only way I could try to get out of this was begging. God he seemed to have me resorting to that a lot lately.

"Please...Please don't. I don't want this. Please master," There was that word again, 'master'. I hated being under the power of others, being left as helpless. It was not who I was, but in this unfamiliar situation, I did not know how to react, except to just bide my time.

He chuckled at my begging, "Behave and I'll be easy since it's your first time." As he spoke, I felt him pull off my skirt, making me blush even more than I already was.

Soon, I was completely naked and so was he. I said earlier how great his abs were, that was just  the beginning of his amazing body that I had witnessed, His cold hands gently spread my legs and my torture began. The only thing that kept me from screaming was the fact that after he bit me, everything felt amazing. 

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