|Ray| Reunion

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Requested By: luna266

Genre: Sequel |Just Another Day|, Academy!AU, Established Relationship

Warning: Human Trafficking, Profanity, Abuse, Violence

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

I felt my blood go cold at the sound of that horrid bell.

I grimaced to myself as I grabbed the tray from the maid, making my way to my owner.

"Good luck..." Lucy whispered softly, clearly as scared as I am.

"Thank you..." I whispered back, smiling at the girl.

As I walked, the sound of the chains around my neck clinked to the beat of my footsteps.

I knocked on the door softly, hearing my owner grumble a "Come in,"

I opened the door swiftly, carrying the tray of food onto his bed.

"Took you long enough," he scowled, slowly getting up from his bed.

'Oh shut it, you worthless piece of-' he roughly yanked the chain on my neck, making me bend down to his level.

"'Ya got something to say, doll face?" he threatened, the smell of his morning breath making me want to hurl.

"Nothing, master..." I coldly replied, staring him straight into his eyes.

He scoffed as he let go of my chain, leaving bruises around my neck.

It's been almost a month since I was auctioned off and worked under him. He was one of the nobles with connections, which was why he was able to get me.

Ever since, I have wanted to escape, wanting to get my revenge on the man who made every single day a living nightmare.

'Be patient (Y/N)... You can get through this...' I encouraged myself as I walked out of that hellhole of a bedroom.

The muffled sound of my owner's tantrum was heard along the hallway.

I grimaced as I wiped his breakfast off of my outfit, taking the bacon and eggs off my hair.

"If I wanted to babysit, I would've just gone with Carol," I grumbled as I made my way back to my room.

I saw Lucy waiting for me at the end of the staircase, shaking all over.

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" I asked as I quickly walked up to her.

"I-I heard Master getting angry again and worried that you'd get hurt," she shakingly explained, looking at my bruises and a black eye.

"Oh, yeah... I guess... I'm fine," I reassured as I patted her head.

"I just need to freshen up,"

I hummed a quiet tune to myself as I ended my shower, sighing in satisfaction.

I got into my clean uniform and put on some makeup, hiding my bruises.

'Just like every day...' I sighed to myself as I prepared myself for the worst.

"(Y/N)," my owner called, not lifting his head from his newspaper.

"Yes, Master?" I calmly replied, looking over to him.

"Accompany Lucy in the market, that good for nothing brat might mix up the groceries again," I bit the insides of my cheeks to calm myself.

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