SPOILERS |Ray| The Calm Before the Storm

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A/N: LAST REQUEST! Unless I couldn't see any other ones (if so please tell me) and I'm back to online classes :-)

I can't really remember this part of the manga so I'm sorry if it's inconsistent and the errors!

I'm going to focus on the Eyes on the Prize book (I might rewrite it for the 879872168736821763th time (I'M SORRY!!!!)) and the RPG!AU and update as soon as I can!

Requested By: vintaged0lls

Genre: Sequel |Why Would I Be Jealous!?|, Canon, Established Relationship, Angst (If you squint your eyes reeeeaaaalllyyyy hard) MEGA SPOILERS!!

Synopsis: Ray has been jealous since you've been meeting with Norman more often, but you two talked it out and made up. Now, you're getting ready for Norman's plan (killing all demons) while Ray was getting for his and Emma's idea (renewing the promise).

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Here," I gave Ray his hot chocolate as I sat next to him, wrapping both of us in a blanket.

"Hm... Thank you," he said as he took the chocolate, laying his head on my shoulder.

I leaned on him as I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind.

'He's really going through this...' I thought as I recalled Norman's plan. I gritted my teeth as Mujika and Sonju flashed in my head.

"...Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked Ray, looking over to him. He stopped for a moment and put down his cup. He looked at me as if trying to find a correct answer.

"Do I have a say in this?" I tightened my jaw as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I know you're trying to do what you can," he reassured as he kissed the top of my head, "But as much as you can, don't try to do anything stupid," he gravely said as he held my chin.

"Norman's plan is dangerous enough, but I don't think Cislo and Barbara truly trust us... Especially after that talk we had," I pursed my lips as I remembered Barbara's point of view for the demons.

I placed my cup next to Ray's as I grabbed his hand and placed a kiss on it.

"I don't like this more than you do..." I tightened my hold as I laid my head on his shoulder, "But I don't think Norman's telling us everything he knows... I'm worried about him,"

"Yeah... Me too..." Ray replied as he played with my hair, "You were always the first one to notice if we were hiding something."

I chuckled as the blanket fell off my shoulders, feeling the cold air hit me.

"That's because you three always put others before yourselves. If you're always doing that, who's going to look after you?" I explained as I clasped his hand, making him smile.

"And what about you?"

"At least I didn't try to set myself on fire, mister." I shot back as he laughed.

"You're still mad about that?"

"You almost gave me a heart attack," I whined with a pout as he leaned, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he said lowly as he hugged me, rubbing my back.

"And what about you and Emma's plan? Are you really sure this is going to work?"

"Well... I wouldn't say a hundred percent, but something is better than nothing," he honestly answered, making me grip on his shirt.

"...Don't do anything stupid, okay?" I heard him chuckle as he continued to rub my back.

"Yes, yes... Let's just enjoy this evening while we can, hm?" he suggested, twirling a lock of my hair around his fingers.

I let out a sigh as I smiled at him.

"Okay, it's been a while since we had some time for each other too,"

I flinched as the sunlight hit my face. I hesitantly opened my eyes and saw that it was morning already.

I looked around and saw our empty cups on the table while Ray's arms were still wrapped around me.

I smiled to myself as I went back to my original position, enjoying the warmth radiating off of him.

'It's finally time, huh?' I thought as I frowned, mentally preparing myself for the day.

I quickly got ready as I armed myself with my weapons, recalling each step of Norman's plan.

As I went out of the room, I saw Ray and Emma by the door.

I raised a brow as I walked over to them, "What's up?" I asked as Emma quickly hugged me, almost squeezing me to death.

"Be careful out there, okay!? Don't get hurt or do something too risky!" she warned with teary eyes, grabbing my arms tightly.

I scoffed a smile as I patted her head, "I should be the one saying that to you," I teased as I hugged her, squeezing her lightly.

"You better come back, okay? I won't forgive you if you don't!" I warned, making her laugh.

"I'm pretty sure you're scarier than the demons when you're angry (Y/N)," she joked, making the both of us laugh as we wiped away our tears.

I looked over to Ray and saw him smiling at us.

"Make sure you take care of him for me too," I teased as I hugged Ray's arm, making him scoff.

"It should be the other way around," he corrected, making us laugh.

"Of course I will!" Emma said as she jumped at us, making us group hug.

We smiled as we hugged her back, trying to enjoy these last moments.

After I said my goodbyes to Gilda, Don, and the others, I headed to Norman's office.

I knocked on the door, hearing Norman letting me in. I turned the knob and saw Barbara, Cislo, and the others already there.

"Great! Everyone's here!" Cislo cheered as he slammed his fist into his palm.

"Are you ready (Y/N)?" he asked excitedly, like a little boy who's about to go to a toy store.

I chuckled at him as I punched the air, "Ready as I'll ever be," I replied as I tried to be as cheery as he is.

"Finally... We'll be able to take our revenge..." Barbara said with flames in her eyes.

"Now, now, don't get too pumped up. We need to follow the plan exactly for this to work," Vincent reminded as he adjusted his glasses, reading through the papers one last time.

I looked over to Norman, seeing he was putting his cloak on.

I walked over to him and helped him get ready, surprising him a bit.

"You ready, Boss?" I teasingly grinned, making him chuckle.

"Of course I am," he smiled, letting me finish helping him.

"Have you talked to Ray?" he asked in a soft tone, making me stop and look at him.

"Of course, we had everything worked out," I reassured him as I put the hood on him.

"You know you can always rely on us, right?" I reminded, observing his reaction.

His eyes widened slightly as his face tightened for a second, but it returned to normal just as fast.

"Of course, that's why I asked you to help us with this mission," he answered as he headed to the door, leading us out.

I took one last breath as I followed them.

'It's now or never...'


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