SPOILERS! |Ray| Give It A Rest

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A/N: Your age is around late teens to young adult.

Requested By: luna266

Genre: Academy!AU, Established Relationship, Triquel |Goodbyes Are Never Easy|

Warning/s: Profanity, Adult Themes, SPOILERS!!

Synopsis: You have been shipped out of Grace Field and onto Lambda. There, (Y/N) meets Norman again, and together escaped Lambda with the other cattle children. In their hideout, they reunite with the Grace Field kids again.

|Goodbyes Are Never Easy & I Missed You|

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"So when you said I can pay you full in one night..." Ray shifted his position as he nuzzled closer to my neck.

"Cuddling and napping wasn't actually the first thing on my mind... but I'm not complaining," I shrugged as I hugged Ray tighter.

"Why? What did you think I was talking about?"

"Oh, nothing really..." I simply replied, hoping he'd drop the subject.

"Hm..." he hummed in agreement.

'Huh? He didn't tease me?' I thought as I looked up at his face.

He looked peaceful as he let out soft snores once in a while.

"Haven't gotten a lot of sleep, huh?" I chuckled as I slowly lifted my hand and caressed his face, noticing the dark circles under his eyes.

I frowned as I wiped the stray hairs away, "I'm really sorry, Ray... I promise I'm not going anywhere. Not anymore," I vowed as I cuddled into his chest, sleeping alongside him.

"(Y/N)! We need you for-"

Hayato's voice echoed in the room, waking me up instantly.

"(Y-Y/N)!?" I groggily groaned as I turned over.

I instantly regretted my decision as the light blinded me.

'Ugh, it's sunrise already?'

"What is it, Hayato?" I asked, annoyed that I was woken up from my sleep.

"W-What are you... doing with that man?" he asked with a shaking finger pointing at Ray.

"Huh...? We were just sleeping..."

"You were... sleeping? Sleeping together?"

"Yeah... We were napping and-" Hayato slammed the door shut, and I could hear his footsteps rapidly fading away.

"Well, that was rude..." I pouted but shrugged it off, going back to sleep.

I felt uneasy like something was staring at me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Emma, Don, Gilda, Hayato, Jin, and the others staring intently at me.

"What the- What are you doing!?" I shouted, my heart pumping from the shock.

"What were you two doing?" Emma asked bluntly, surprising the rest.

"We were sleeping," I groaned as I rubbed my eyes.

They all hummed in unison, making me raise a brow.

"Why? Is it wrong to sleep during the night?"

"Well, no... It's just that there are a lot of people saying something else," Emma nervously chuckled, making me anxious.

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