|Emma| Accused

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Requested By: idkgoodstuff

Genre: Feelings Are Fatal!Sequel, Yandere!Emma

Warning: Death, Profanity

Synopsis: Emma asked (Y/N) what love is and misinterpreted it into something twisted. A classmate of yours gave you a love letter after your outing with Emma, leading to their death in a back alley.

(Y/N): Your First Name
(A/N): Your Admirer's Name
(F/N): Your Friend's Name
(L/N): Your Last Name
(A/L): Your Admirer's Last Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Huh..." I sweated as I re-read the letter. It had a lot of erasures and squiggles, but one sentence was given emphasis.

Dear (Y/N),

I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I like you.

From, (A/N)

I sharply inhaled as I thought of what to do as I kept my eyes on the letter.

"Aagghh!!" I shouted as I roughly scratched my head. I let out a sigh as I slumped to my chair, frustrated.

"...I might need to call (F/N)..." I muttered as I dialed their number on my phone.

"...And? What? Are you bragging or something?"

"Of course not!" I said a little too loud for the night. I let out a sigh as I lowered my volume.

"I... I don't know how to reject them... I mean, I don't wanna hurt their feelings, and knowing me, I'm gonna go say something stupid and makes things worse so-"

"-Okay, okay. Calm down," (F/N) said as I took a deep breath.

"Just be sincere and talk to them in private, simple as that." they shrugged as I pursed my lips.

"Right... You're right. No need to overthink," I muttered, preparing what to say tomorrow.

"Thanks. I'll talk to them tomorrow after school."

When I arrived at school, I waited by the entrance, looking around for (A/N).

"Mornin'" (F/N) greeted as he grabbed me by the shoulders, "You got here earlier than usual,"

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to them as soon as possible," I explained as I saw someone else join in on our conversation.

"Hey~," Emma greeted with a wide smile.

"G-Good morning," I greeted meekly, feeling my face warm up.

I heard (F/N) sigh as they shook their head.

"Good morning, Emma," they greeted the girl with a smile before side-eyeing me.

"I didn't expect to see you so early in the morning," Emma pointed out as Norman and Ray arrived, and we exchanged good mornings.

"Y-Yeah... I'm waiting for (A/N)," I bashfully said as I rubbed the back of my head, looking on the ground.

"...Is that so?" Emma said softly, her tone changing. I looked up again and saw her familiar bright expression.

"I didn't know you two were so close!" I quickly shook my head.

"It's not like that! I just... I wanted to talk to them about something, that's all..." I explained as Ray and Norman walked up to us.

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