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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

I huffed a breath as I pushed up with the spear, then it snapped in both of our holds. I barely dodged the claw as it slammed down, the needle bending once it met the stone ground. The Griever screeched out, pulling its tail back as I ran for the door, hoping that despite what I said, that I could still survive this. Everyone else was gone, only the darkness of the tunnel stared at me as I ran forward, gasping for air as time seemed to slow. 

I heard the crack above me, the whistle as the object passed through the air, barely stopping myself as part of the sky crashed down in front of me. I stumbled over the metal, the lights of the panel flickering and short circuiting as I fell. My hands caught on the broken metal, feeling it cut into my palms, and quickly blood came to the surface, dripped down onto the concrete. 

The Griever barely had time to stop as well, screeching as it slammed into the panel. The metal of the panel lifted, throwing me forward into the entry way, then the panel slammed over the hole. On the other side, the Griever screeched again, hitting at the metal, but only succeeding in pushing the panel further into the hole of the entryway. 

I stayed on the ground for a moment, letting myself catch my breath. My chest heaved as the ground around me shook, reminding me of what was happening. I scrambled up as the panel was slammed into again, then I went into the door of our escape, felt the coolness as I traveled through, then I was standing in a smooth dark room, the same Newt had held me close in after Minho saved me, after we both thought I was going to die. Now I stood on my own, still shaking after knowing I could've died again. 

The people were rushing forward as the WICKED facility shook. Minho was being pulled along by the woman that had helped him through. He looked back, panicked, then his eyes met mine. I watched as he faltered in his limped steps, then I was rushing to his other side. 

"I thought you died." Minho grunted as I slid my arm under his. I huffed a breath, both me and the woman helping him down the hall as quickly as we could. 

"Yeah, well, I guess not yet." Above us, the ceiling was cracked and the lights flickered. "Remind me, where are we going again?" I questioned as the group quickly made its way through the halls. Tommy's shouts of encouragement echoed through the hall as we moved. 

"A Flat Trans. According to Dr. Ava Paige, it leads to a place where immunes can live and be away from the virus without having our every move controlled." I nodded my head at Minho. Another explosion rattled through the building, making me stumble as the metal on my leg momentarily locked. "The explosions are getting quicker, and closer too." Minho noted, wincing as him and the woman paused for me. I pushed at the metal around my knee, releasing its locked position. Ahead, the group seemed to slow as the building shook again. Soon, Tommy was making his way towards us, relief crossing his face at the sight of us. 

"The front of the group is entering the Flat Trans. Newt, Delilah, and Dan should already be over there. Along with some members from the Glade and Group B we found before entering the Maze again." I swallowed, then gave a nod as a sick feeling pulled at my stomach. Part of me still wasn't sure if I wanted to see the state Newt was in- if I wanted to see him possibly die as I sat at his bedside. The other part of me, however, knew I had to be there with him. "You and Minho should go to the front. I've got it handled back here." I tilted my head. 

"Are you sure?" I asked and Tommy gave a tight smile as Teresa wove her way to us as well. 

"Positive. Go on, Minho needs to be tended to and Newt needs you." I nodded, then shared a look with the woman. She helped me pull Minho towards the front of the group, and soon we came to the Flat Trans as the building shook again. I pressed forward, reaching a hand out as I pulled Minho and the woman with me. There was a rush over my skin, like a quick, cold bath, then I was standing with Minho and the woman in a shed. We stood for a moment, then we were being pushed forward and out of the shed by whoever entered after us. Outside of the shed was a large space of greenery, with a handful of buildings mostly built up around us. Those who had entered before us turned to look in awe, their jaws dropping at the sight of the birds flying over us. I turned my eyes to stare out at the water by some of the buildings. 

"(y/n)!" I turned to the voice, barely catching Dan in a hug. "We didn't know where you were, if you were alive." Dan murmured as he pulled away. Worry crossed over his face as he turned to look at Minho. "We should get you to Delilah." I sent the woman a thankful look, realizing now that I didn't even know her name as Dan traded spots with her, then helped me lead Minho to one of the buildings. "What happened to you guys?" I huffed a breath, looking around at the different people who were cheering in relief at those who made it, crying at those who hadn't. 

"The Maze. I was back in it, Minho, Tommy, Teresa, and Gally all came to save me and the others." I replied as Dan opened the door, then we settled Minho down on one of the empty beds that looked quickly put together. Minho let out a hiss of relief to have his weight completing off his injury. 

"But along the way, we relived some fun Maze memories." Minho added on with a wince as Delilah rounded one of the corners. A smile quirked at her lips as she came forward. 

"You're okay." Relief was evident in her voice as she came forward, but instead of another greeting, she went straight to inspecting Minho's injury. I bit my lip, watching for a moment as she gently grasped his leg, pulling up his pant leg. 

"I should probably go back to the Flat Trans, see if-" My voice died on my lips as I stepped away from Minho's table and looked around the room. I found myself staring at one of the other beds that seemed to be occupied. I quickly recognized the tousled blonde hair, the tattered clothes, and even the hands that lay at the figure's side, hands I had spent days and nights holding onto. "Newt." I swallowed, turning my eyes back to Dan and Delilah. "Is he..." I paused, not finding it in me to ask the question I had been wondering ever since I woke up in the Maze again. 

"He's alive, he's safe." Dan whispered to me, watching as my eyes turned back to Newt on the table. 

"How?" I asked as Delilah's fingers ghosted over the skin of Minho's calf, the slow bruising there. 

"When Thomas shot at him, he did it by Newt's ear, a distraction tactic, then he knocked him out with the butt of the gun. After that, between there and getting into the WICKED facility, a few cranks attacked and one of them hurt Newt pretty bad, cut along the back. It was deep enough to make him bleed a lot. To be honest, I'm not sure if they cut into the spinal cord or not, but we'll see when he wakes up." I stared at his figure still, too afraid to walk forward to see him, lest it all be a dream.

"But the Flare-" Dan shook his head. 

"With what little they could get from you and Thomas, they made a sample of the cure, enough for a few people. We gave it to Newt while he was out. He shouldn't have it anymore, but now I think of it, you should have it too since you technically aren't immune. And you're bleeding." I hummed, furrowing my eyes as I finally turned them from Newt and back down to my hands. It had slipped my mind that I was hurt. 

Dan gently grabbed my arm, leading me to a bed by Newt, then he left, only to return moments later with a shot vial. "This will pinch." I nodded, staring as Dan pricked the skin of my arm, injecting the blue liquid into me. I said nothing when he finished, only staring blankly at the spot as he pulled the needle out. Dan disappeared, coming back moments later with bandages and other supplies. I looked away as he took out cotton, putting alcohol on it, then pressed it against the cut on my palm. As Dan worked, slowly cleaning the wound and giving me small stitches, I stared at Newt, thinking. This was a moment we had dreamed of while trapped in the Maze, but now I couldn't believe it to be true. 

"You should stay here. I'll help out there. You deserve some rest, really." Dan pat my shoulder, then he was gone from my sight. I turned my attention to my bandaged hands, noticed the slight sting they had from being cleaned and cared for. Then I pushed off of the bed, looking around to see Delilah had finished caring for Minho, and now he was lying back on the bed, sleeping. A splint and bandage was wrapped over his leg. Delilah and Dan had both left. 

I hooked my foot around one of the nearby chairs, dragging it ever so slowly towards Newt's bedside. I gently brushed at the hair on his forehead as I moved to sit down. The veins were gone from his face, and he looked normal. Everything about him seemed okay as I moved one hand to grab his, only wincing a little at the movement. I kept the other hand gently brushing through Newt's hair. I imagined all the time he had done this with me in the Maze, each time I had been injured or feeling sick. I felt tears prick my eyes as I sat there, my relief crashing over me in waves as we were finally safe somewhere. No more running, no more Flare, just the peaceful life we had always talked with each other about living. 

Publish Date: January 7, 2021

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