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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"Felicity, more have come through the door, the one that was closed. It's open now." Felicity sent me a look as a man that had poked his head in to inform her of that quickly left. I stood with her to leave what used to be our old Homestead and was now where they all conducted their meetings. As we walked out, I could see a small group of people coming closer to us from the wall. Felicity tilted her head to look at me. 

"Do you know them?" I watched the group, waiting until they came closer.

"Tommy." I gasped out, making my way to the group. "Tommy!" I yelled out, running towards the group. "Minho!" The two barely caught me when I hugged them. 

"(y/n)?" I glanced up in surprise at the voice. 

"Gally." I turned to him, frowning as I remembered the last time I had seen him. "I'm so sor-" I was cut off by his hug. 

"It's okay. I understand why you did it." I gave a slight nod, pulling away to see Teresa was here as well. I swallowed, almost hesitant about the next question I was going to ask as Felicity approached behind me. 

"Where's Newt?" The others fell silent. I trailed my eyes over them until they fell on Tommy, the black spots on his shirt, the same I watched fall when Newt had tackled him. I felt my chest seize and tears fill my eyes. "No, he isn't-" A look passed over Tommy's face, then a realization came onto his face. 

"You... you saw?" He whispered and I gave a small nod. Teresa stepped closer. 

"Of course she did, Tom. Their connection." I felt the tears crawl down my face, hurt growing in me as Teresa spoke up, arms crossed. They all fell silent. 

"The gun shot-" My voice trailed, chest aching at the look Tommy gave me. "Is he okay? Please tell me he is." I clenched my hands into worried fists, feeling my nails dig into my skin, almost hard enough to draw blood. 

"We don't know." Minho spoke finally as Tommy stared at the ground. "We left him with Delilah and Dan, they're trying to look after him but with everything that has been happening..." Minho looked to the others. I nodded, feeling the lump in my throat settle as tears threatened to spill. 

"I tried to save him, though, I swear I tried-" Tommy's voice cracked, making the weight on my chest only worsen as I became aware of the guilt he was carrying- the one he would always carry. 

"How did you even get here? Janson took Thomas to an operation room and from the sounds of it, you were supposed to be there. Janson was really angry that you weren't." I glanced up, noticing the relief that flashed over Tommy's face at Teresa's topic change. I shrugged my shoulders, quickly wiping at my eyes. 

"I don't know. They injected me with something to put me to sleep, and then I woke up in the Maze. Same place the Griever bit me. I haven't been here long, but with how everything got put together, I'd say WICKED was trying to do another trial, a quick one. They cleaned up the buildings but the Maze, the wall of names? All of it is the same." Minho pulled a face, saying nothing for a moment, only staring around as Gally did the same. It only took me a moment to realize they were probably both remembering all of our years here, the people we lost. 

"These are more people from the wall, I assume?" Felicity spoke up and I jumped before nodding. I had almost forgotten she had come to stand with us. Others also seemed to be slowly coming towards us.

"Yeah. That's Minho, Gally, Thomas, and Teresa." I pointed to each person, then I paused as Felicity shook each of their hands. Minho frowned, looking out at the people around us. 

"I'm glad we've had this reunion, but we have to cut things short. We've been here long enough and we already don't have a lot of time. We have to-" Gally was cut off as the Maze around us shook, and the ground seemed to tilt for a brief moment. Felicity stumbled into me, and around us, some of the people let out shouts of confusion. 

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