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~ Newt's P.O.V. ~

I picked at my food, not feeling hungry enough to eat any of it. I kept thinking about the dream, the little snippets of voices I heard at the beginning, the things (y/n) explained to me.

"Newt?" My eyes widened in surprise, and I stopped moving my spoon through my oatmeal as I looked around.

"Newt? Can you hear me? It's (y/n). Just... think with your mind and push it out. I'm not there in person." I looked back down at my food, stirring as I attempted to do as she asked me.

"Don't strain yourself." A ghost of a smile came to my lips. 

"Well, I don't even know if you can hear me every time I try."

"I know. It's difficult at first, but we used to do it all the time, so I think it'll become like second nature to us."

"Are you alright? What was with the dream last night?"

"I'm okay. I've been listening to doctors whisper about me all day. I can't explain much for the dream now, but I heard that today WICKED is announcing who is immune to the Flare and who isn't. I'll most likely see you then." I kept quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say. I didn't realize some of us were immune in the first place. "Also, you better eat your food. Stop having your pity party or I'll kick you ass when I see you."  I could hear her laugh faintly in my mind. I stopped stirring my oatmeal. 

"Only if you promise I'll see you soon." 

"I promise. Now eat." I smiled as she went quiet, beginning to eat my oatmeal. When I looked up, Tommy was looking at me, head tilted and eyes wide. 


After breakfast everyone was led into a room. At the front of the room, Janson stood on a small stage, a smirk on his face. As we entered, many people let out shouts of confusion and anger. As I stared at him, I felt my own anger bubble up as I remembered our last encounter. 

"I'd love to see his little rat nose smashed." I muttered. I barely took notice to the surprised look Tommy gave me. It didn't matter. I had spent too much time in WICKED's tricks and the time away from (y/n)- frankly, it all pissed me off. 

"Silence! I have some important matters to speak to you all about." Janson slammed his hand on a table beside him. Everyone quieted down, moving to sit or stand around the seats that were scattered around the room. I stayed standing, arms crossed as I stared at Janson. 

"The first thing I have to talk to you about is around the topic of removing your Swipe. The Swipe is a device we implanted in all of your minds to withhold all of your memories-" I tuned him out as I looked around. (y/n) said she'd see me here, so where is she?

"Ah, yes. Newt has reminded me of one of the important matters I am meant to discuss, or bring up." My eyes trailed back to Janson in a glare. He turned, waving at a door beside the stage. 

"Bring in (y/n), Subject A4. The Accident and Sacrificer." I clenched my jaw at Janson's smile. Anger filled my mind, but then the door opened and it faded away as (y/n) was brought in by two guards. She blinked at the bright light that shone above her. I quickly pushed passed people to get to her. 

"(y/n)!" She looked around, spotting me. Her face brightened as I ran to her.  The two guards that had brought her into the room backed away as I wrapped my arms around (y/n), hugging her tight to me. "Bloody hell, I've missed you, love." I pulled from the hug and put both hands on (y/n)'s cheeks, looking her up and down. "You're standing on your own." (y/n) nodded with a small laugh. Tears filled my eyes as she turned her leg. I could see the metal on each side of her leg. "WICKED helped some with that. And my broken finger. And my cracked ribs."

"That's amazin- wait, your what?" Beside us, someone cleared their throat. I turned to look at Janson, pulling (y/n) closer to me as I glared at him. He smiled at me in return. 

"I'm glad you're enjoying your reunion. but I'd love to start reading the list of all of the people who are not immune, as I mentioned earlier. Most of you are immune, but there are a handful who aren't to see the difference between how minds worked." I saw (y/n) nod from the corner of my eye and then Janson pulled a folded paper out of his pocket. "This list includes both the deceased subjects and the living ones." Janson began to read the list of every unfortunate person in the room. 

Original Publish Date: June 19, 2018

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