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~ Third Person P.O.V. ~

"Newt, calm down." Minho said, looking at his friend from across the table. Newt huffed, shaking a hand through his hair. 

"I'm trying, but it's really hard to without..." Newt looked away, clenching his fists. Occasionally a small tug would pull at him, but he was never able to leave the room to follow it. 

"They said you'd be able to see her soon." Newt scoffed, looking at Minho. 

"That was over 3 weeks ago. They haven't even told me if she's okay. I just need to know she's okay. After they let me watch a bit in her first operation, I haven't seen her since." Dan frowned from across the table, Delilah close to his side. 

"Yeah, but this is (y/n) we're talking about, of course she's okay. She can survive just about anything." Minho sent Dan a look, but Newt wasn't paying attention. 

"I know, but that's what worries me. They keep tossing her into a bunch of stuff, and I'm scared that they'll put her through something she can't survive. And then there's the thing with Tommy, he's locked up for the Flare? But no veins, no signs. He saved (y/n), sat by us on the Berg the whole time. He seemed completely fine." Minho nodded, looking to one of the guards. 

"I know. I know." It went quiet for a moment, the chatter of the Gladers and Group B covered up the silence that had fallen over the four of them. When a scream rang through the air, everyone went quiet and Newt straightened in his seat. He pushed from the table, dodging Minho's grab for him. The guards shut the door, locking it. Newt slammed into the door, trying to open it. 

"No, no, no, no!" When the knob stuck in his hold, refusing to turn, Newt hit an open palm on the door. (y/n)'s second scream was faint through the door. Two hands grabbed gently at him and Newt turned, seeing Minho and Dan. Newt shook his head at them when they pulled him away from the door. "It's (y/n)! It's (y/n)! They're hurting her." Tears filled his eyes and he began to cry. Everyone was quiet, looking at one another and unsure of what to do. They knew how close Newt and (y/n) were. No one had any words of comfort to give him.


(y/n) forced her eyes open, groaning at the dull ache in her side and the thrum in her head.

"Good. You're awake." (y/n) turned, breath catching in her throat when she saw Dr. Ava Paige standing by her bedside. (y/n) shook her head, wincing as she moved to sit up. 

"We saw you die. You killed yourself." Dr. Ava smiled. 

"I think you remember enough by now that not everything WICKED does is as it appears." (y/n) swallowed, looking to a small table by Dr. Ava's side. There lay a metal device. (y/n) reached, feeling near the base of her hairline, finding new stitches on her neck. 

"You took out my memory device, the one that kept my memories away." Dr. Ava shrugged, coming closer to (y/n).

"It was faulty, proved useless anyway. It was blocking your way of using your special abilities with Newt as well. We left the device that allowed you to use your abilities in. I didn't think you'd want to get rid of it." (y/n) shook her head. 

"The tugging, that's because of the block." Dr. Ava nodded with a so-so gesture. 

"Partly. The tugging happens because of the strength of your bond mixing with some of your abilities. The faultiness of the device was not... anticipated, and only allowed bits and pieces of your abilities to shine through at random intervals and at an intensified strength. With the block gone, your abilities will slowly regain themselves and most likely not be as strong anymore because they will not be pent up. Together, you and Newt, who you will see soon, will have to relearn how to use these abilities." (y/n) furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. 

In the End (Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now