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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"We aren't doing it." Newt's voice was low and thick with irritation as Janson approached. I pushed into Newt's side, reminding him to stay calm. His arm wrapped around me tightly as he glared. Newt seemed to continue to easily get angry at everyone today, especially people he saw as a threat.

"I didn't get to even say anything."

"You told us that we would have a choice. That is our choice. We say no." Tommy said, standing by Newt with a sort of confidence. Janson shrugged.

"I'm assuming by 'we' you mean Newt and yourself. (y/n) has already gotten her device removed. All that is left is the device that allows her and her partner's special abilities to continue to thrive. Of course, we planned on keeping that in all along. Not everyone will keep those devices, like for the subjects whose partners are now... deceased." I glared at him.

"Is that all we are to WICKED? Subjects?" He smiled.

"Well, you aren't subjects to everyone but... to me, yes. Especially you, sweetheart." Newt went to unwrap his arm from around me, but I caught his hand and kept it on my waist before he could.

"Don't do anything stupid, Newt."

Janson laughed. "You're smart in keeping your boyfriend in control. Now that everyone knows he isn't immune, they will not hesitate in terminating him, or anyone else who gets out of control." He sent the three of us one last smile before walking away to the next group of people. It was only when he was walking away from that group that I let Newt's hand go.

"You can't go punching people, Newt. It'll get you killed." I looked up at him as he stared after Janson.

"The dumb shank doesn't care for any of us. We're just like rodents to him." Newt's hold on me tightened to where it was beginning to hurt. I gently grasped at his fingers, working my hand under them. "I'm gonna kill him I swear, and then we'll see who the rodent is then." Newt looked at me and the anger in his eyes made me freeze, staring wide-eyed. Tommy must've noticed it too because he gently pulled me out Newt's grasp. I stared at Newt as Tommy moved to stand where I had seconds before. He placed both hands on Newt's shoulders. Dr. Ava's voice came back to me. We are afraid he may become violent with us soon. You'd be surprised by what love can drive us to do.

"Newt, I know you're pissed off, we all are, but you need to calm down. You were hurting (y/n)." Newt's eyes flickered to mine and I watched as the anger drained away, guilt replacing it.

"I- I'm sorry..." Newt whispered and Tommy took his hands away.

"Everyone's upset and stressed. Don't let it get to you." Newt absent-mindedly nodded, avoiding eye contact with me as Janson made his way to the front of the room again. I moved back into Newt's side, trying to show him I was okay. His arm wrapped around me again as he sent me a soft smile, though he seemed tense and hesitant.

"A few of you have chosen to not go along with the procedure to get your memories back, but all of you will have to follow me into the room so we can get started on all those who are willing to participate." Janson stared at all of us for a few more seconds, then he turned around and walked through a door that seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

"He says 'participate' like it's a test or some group activity." I whispered to Tommy and Newt as we followed behind the other Gladers and Group B. Inside the room we were led to was Brenda and a few other people that I couldn't recognize.

"Brenda?" Tommy's voice was soft and confused. She looked up from the computer she was working on, then quickly ran forward to Tommy and hugged him.

In the End (Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now