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Author's Note: I'm unsure on how Wattpad works when I reupdate a chapter I've already published, so I'll make a note here before everyone reads to avoid confusion with what is going on. I've been rewriting all the books in this series, and there have some minor changes in the plot as I have done so, especially within the last chapter and this one. You don't have to reread everything if you don't feel like it, but if there are some things new in the book you don't understand, that may be why. Thank you. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day/night. :)

~ Thomas' P.O.V. ~

I rushed to the Berg when I saw it, worry eating away at me as I remember what Janson told me. I kicked something when running, freezing when I heard metal scuttle against the ground. The object slid to the side of the Berg, stopping inches away from the door. I walked forward, grabbing at it. 

"What is it?" Minho came beside me. I looked back to the group. 

"A gun. But why would a gun be here by the Berg?" I swallowed thickly. No one from the group answered. Jorge walked to the Berg, running a finger over the large dent placed in the door. The sick feeling came back to me, but I tried to shove it down. Jorge moved to the keypad. 

"Someone's locked it from the outside with the code I gave (y/n) and Newt for in case of emergency." He tapped on the screen, and the Berg door came open, squelching as it did so. I walked towards the Berg ramp, but someone grabbed my arm, stopping me. 

"Thomas, wait, it could be-" I turned, tearing my arm out of Brenda's grip in agitation. 

"Could be what, Brenda? Dangerous? Is that what you were going to say? Newt wouldn't hurt (y/n), even if he was insane, so if he did go crazy while we were gone, he would've left as to not hurt her. Maybe that's why the Berg was locked with the code. Either way, we have to go on the Berg and make sure they're okay because we left them." Brenda stared at me, something unrecognizable passing over her eyes before I turned around. I stepped into the Berg.

"I don't like how quiet it is." Delilah said as I walked inside. She was close behind me, Dan holding onto her hands. Down the hall, there was a groan.

"(y/n)? Newt?" Delilah's voice was gentle. The groan came again. I stepped forward, feeling my foot stick slightly to the ground. I looked down to see blood on the ground, quite a bit of it. 

"You were saying about him hurting her?" Brenda's voice bit at me and I shook my head. 

"Just because there is blood doesn't mean Newt hurt her." Dan whispered as I looked down the hall to where the soft murmur was coming from. I held the gun, heavy in my hands, and I stepped forward. I heard Jorge say something about cameras, but I ignored him, stepping forward again towards on of the doors within the Berg. The groan sounded again. 

"You think we should open it?" Minho whispered. I turned, looking to see him behind me. I did a so-so gesture with my hand. 

"What else can we do?" Minho didn't answer, so I pushed the door forward, motion lights flickering on. In the room were five men, three seeming to be injured, and the other two were not, though they were asleep. The man who had been groaning in pain looking up at us, letting out a yell. The other men woke, looking at us. One of the men put a hand to his belt, but found his hand coming up empty. 

"Who are you guys? Why are you on our Berg?"

A hand placed on my shoulder, making me jump. 

"Jorge has something you might want to see." I tilted my head slightly, recognizing the blonde of Delilah's hair. I nodded, passing the gun to Delilah and I moved to the pilot area, where Jorge would be. Minho followed close behind me. 

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