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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

I woke up by the lake in the Glade. I pushed up, rubbing at the dirt on the side of my face. I pushed up with a groan, hissing out a breath at the slight pain in my head, but it was dulling now, fading. 

I stood up, gripping onto a tree for balance as I began to walk forward. The sun was bright, filtering through the trees. Everything had a soft glow. I brushed my fingers over some of the moss on the trees. How was I back here?

"(y/n)?" A voice called for me and I furrowed my brow. "(y/n), love, where are you?" Newt. I turned in my spot. "Come on out. I've looked everywhere for you. I give up." Newt laughed, and it echoed in my mind. I found myself following his voice out of the wooded area. The sun was brighter now that I was out of the shade of the trees. 

"Newt?" I called out, and two arms snuck around my waist, picking me up. 

"You're a sneaky one, aren't you? Where were you?" Newt placed me back down and nuzzled himself in the crook of my neck.

"The lake." I answered with a breathy giggle. Newt pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, then turned me around to face him. 

"No wonder there's dirt on your face. What did you do? Nap there?" I smiled at Newt's laugh, letting myself settle into this moment. Part of me screamed that I wasn't here, wasn't in this moment, but the other part of me wanted to be here, push everything else away. 

"Maybe I did. You take a long time to find people in hide and seek. I think you're a bad seeker." Newt scoffed. 

"I'll try not to take that to heart since I'm always seeker." I smiled, admiring the way the sun lit up Newt's hair, coloring it a bright gold. His dark eyes were still squinted up with his smile. "What? I got dirt on my face too?" Newt teased and I shook my head, letting out a sigh. 

"No. You're just the most gorgeous person I've ever seen." I stood on my tippy toes, kissing Newt and cutting off his next laugh. Newt's hands settled down onto my hips as he returned the kiss. 

"I'd have to disgaree with you there, love, because you're absolutely stunning." I huffed a laugh, going to kiss him again, but a scream behind me cut me off. I turned from Newt, letting him go. Around us was no longer the Glade, but the setting of a city. Different cars and buildings were on fire, crumbling down around me. People were running around us, but never came close enough to touch. My stomach sunk as I saw different cranks also around the scene, some chasing people, some helping the fires grow. 

"What the hell is-" I turned to face Newt but he was no longer near me. He was further away from me, a black liquid trailing from his mouth. The veins had traveled up his neck, some already trailing his face. "Newt, baby?" I took a few steps to him, a sick feeling settling over myself. 

"Didn't you read my note? All I asked for you to do one last thing for me, but you can't do it. Gotta be the hero like always? Well, I hate you. I always hated you." I faltered, not knowing who Newt was talking to.

"Newt?" I questioned, but deep down I knew he couldn't hear me. 

"It was your fault! All of this is your fault! Me becoming a monster and- and (y/n), everything that happened to her in the Maze, what WICKED did to her! And for what? So you could play hero? So you could play WICKED's favorite?" Newt's face twisted and the black liquid dripped down from his chin and was staining his shirt.

"Newt, listen to me. I know you're still in there. I'm sorry I didn't say something about (y/n) sooner. I didn't know what Janson meant and that's no excuse, but you can still come with me, come with us. (y/n) will be okay. Everything will be okay." I glanced behind me at Tommy. He had his hands out in front of him, cautious, afraid. I glanced back to Newt, saw him shaking his head. 

"No, Tommy. I've become this disease. I've always been becoming this, and you have to do it! You promised you would read the note!" Newt charged forward, rushing through me. I felt a rush of coldness, then I was turning in my place as Newt tackled Tommy. "I hate you! I hate you, Tommy! Why can't you do this for me?" I rushed forward, trying to grab at Newt, but my hands only moved through him. It felt like plunging my hands in cold jello. 

"Newt! Stop it! I'm here! I'm here!" I screamed out as he fought with Tommy. 

"Newt, please. We can get somewhere safe and I'll tie you up and then I'll save (y/n) and bring her back. She'll know what to do. She can help." Newt shook his head, pausing. Momentarily, his expression softened.

"I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want her last memory of me to be as a monster. She doesn't deserve that. She's even more of a reason on why you should do it. Kill me." Newt swallowed, his face contorting into a mix of emotions. He grasped at Tommy's side, pulling out the handgun he had kept there. I felt my chest seize."I trusted you with the note.You're the only one who can do this. Kill me and save (y/n)." Newt forced the gun into Tommy's hand and I choked out a sob, dropping down next to the two as Newt lined the gun to his forehead. 

"Tommy, don't do this! Don't kill him!" I tried to grab him, shake him to his senses, but Tommy only sat there, arm shaking and lip trembling as my hands passed through him. 

"You have to kill me before I become one of those cannibalistic monsters, hurt (y/n) or you or anyone. You have to do this Tommy. I trusted you." All the sound fell away around me as I sat there, crying. The gun was still in the middle of Newt's forehead. What I would give to kiss him one more time, brush my hands through his hair. 

"I can't." Tommy shook his head, beginning to cry himself.

"Do it!" Newt's lips pouted out in his frustration. "Do it, Tommy! Do it!" Spit flew from Newt's mouth and the black liquid dripped down from his mouth again, making spots on Tommy's shirt. 

"Newt... I- I can't. If you were gone and (y/n)-" Tommy moved to pull his hand away, but Newt grabbed at his wrist and held it tightly, keeping the gun on his forehead. I gasped our another sob, hoping to everything that this moment wasn't real, that it was just an hallucination.

"KILL ME!" I jumped at Newt's scream, the snarl across his face. It was all inhuman. Then his expression fell back into a sad one, his lips trembling as he began to cry. "Please, Tommy, please." Newt's voice was soft, breaking my heart as the gun shook, gently tapping against his forehead. Tommy squeezed his eyes shut, his finger tightening on the trigger. I hissed out another cry, tilting my head away from the two, then there was a loud gun shot and everything fell to black around me. 

Publish Date: November 2, 2020

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