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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"Hey, love, can we stop a moment?" I turned, looking back to a panting Newt. Sweat trailed down his face and he looked pale. I nodded, looking to him in concern. 

 "Yeah, of course we can." There was an ache radiating from Newt as I helped him down to lean against a tree. Newt grunted, holding his side with closed eyes. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why didn't you tell me when I was patching your nose?" I gently grabbed the hem of his shirt, ready to lift it and check the injury, but Newt stopped me. 

"Maybe... maybe you should leave me here." I looked up at him, shaking my head. 

"Why would I leave you?" Newt swallowed, and his guilt hit me in waves. I felt a large pressure build up in my chest. 

"(y/n), I still have my tracker. How do you think those men found us? WICKED probably set the bounty the men were talking about. For some reason, they really need you and they know you'd never leave me, so that's what you need to do." I pulled away from Newt, pushing down my anger. I couldn't be angry, not with him, not now. 

"I don't care what WICKED is after or what they know, I need you. I can't just leave you! We've been through everything together so far. We can just sneak into the city, get your shucking tracker out, problem solved. If we leave now we can make it by sunset." I turned, ready to leave again, but Newt grasped my face, turning me to face him. A frown curled over his lips as he looked at me, searching my face. 

"Love, no, we won't. We aren't going to the city. They'll find us before then if you don't leave." I felt tears fill my eyes, hurt beating in my ribs as my irritation and impatience rose.  

"But we're partners in this, for however long we live. Those were your words, Newt, your words!" I pushed at Newt's side, feeling my anger flare up. I couldn't understand why he felt so guilty. What was he not telling me?

Newt grunted, holding his side with clenched eyes. My eyes widened as I remembered he was hurt there. "Oh, shuck, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. I-" I started crying gripping at Newt as he held me. Newt moved me to sit in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.  

"I'm already turning. The Flare is catching up to me more than it is you." Newt's voice was a whisper as his arms held me close to him. I froze, slowly shaking my head. Newt pushed me up from leaning against him, then lifted his shirt to show his side. There was the beginnings of the familiar black veins. They were branching along his left ribs. 

"We'll- we'll get a cure. You'll be fine. We'll be fine." Newt gave me a small smile, pulling me in for a small kiss. When he pulled away, the ache became dull, distant, but a new weight pulled at me. Nearby, I could hear the hum of a Berg. "We have to go." I scrambled off of Newt, grabbing him and pulling him up. 

"I'll only slow you down." I grabbed his face and giving him another quick kiss. 

"I am not leaving you behind, not after everything else we've gone through." I let go of him, grabbing his hand and leading him away as the Berg came closer. We jumped over different parts of the terrain, dead trees and forgotten trails. Suddenly, Newt stumbled forward into me and I grabbed at him, helping him forward. 

"(y/n), they shot me with something. You have to go without me." I slowed in my run, pushing us under a tree with half growing leaves. Something blue stuck out of Newt's shoulder, the vial half full. I grabbed at it, gently pulling it out. Newt gripped my waist, dropping his weight onto me as he held on. "You have to go." I shook my head, holding him closer to me. 

"I won't. You never left me." I could hear the Berg closer now, voices coming with it. 

"Subject A5 is cornered. Subject A4 is with him." I huddled us closer to the tree. Newt's eyes were fluttering. He gently pushed at me. 

"(y/n), go..." Newt whispered, voice rough and slow, then Newt's eyes completely closed and he slumped forward into me. I grunted, knees bending as I gently lay him against the tree. I could hear people closer to us. I grabbed at the dying brush around Newt, quickly pulling it over him. I turned, huffing as two WICKED guards came towards us, guns lifted to point at me. A part of me wished I had kept the gun from earlier with me and I hadn't left it at the Berg. 

"Where is subject A5?" I stepped forward, moving away from Newt. 

"His name is Newt, and he isn't here. He ran off, but you didn't want him anyway. He isn't the one with the bounty on his head, is he?" One of the guards stepped closer, gun still high and pointed at me. 

"His tracker says he's here." I lifted my right fist, holding the blue vial in it. 

"I'm carrying his tracker. You know I would never let you get to him, unless after all this time WICKED has forgotten?" The gun was slightly lowered. 

"We haven't. We know A5 won't be far without you either." The other guard turned, touching two fingers to their ear. I could hear the muttering about Newt being gone. Moments later, the guard turned back again. 

"The boy doesn't matter. They said to bring her up. She's the only one we need." The men came towards me. I held my hands up, walking towards them, hoping to put distance between them and my rushed job of hiding Newt. 

One of the men touched my wrist, pulling it to him. I yanked back. "Don't touch me." The guard shook his head, faint smile coming to his lips. 

"Sweetheart, we don't go by your rules." He grabbed at my wrist again and I scowled at him, pushing what was left of Newt's vial into the skin of his hand. He hissed in pain, letting go. His other hand went to the vial, pulling at it and holding it up.

"You... how did you-" The guard folded over, falling to the ground. I turned to the other guard, holding my hands out in front of me, fists curled. 

"Don't touch me." I repeated. The man kept his gun pointed at me, but nodded, waving me forward with his gun. I raised my hands back up, looking back at the fallen guard, then Newt.

"I'll be back." I reached out to him with my mind, hoping he heard me as I turned back around, then I moved forward.

Publish Date: May 29, 2020

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