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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

I felt a pounding in my head as I shifted. I was laying on hard metal, and everything hurt. I breathed out, trying to force my eyes open, but they felt heavy, tired. I shifted again, letting out a groan as I tried to move my arms, but they were bound to the table. 

"She's waking up. We have to hurry." The voice was watery as I finally got my eyes to open, but everything was bright and blurry. 

"Newt?" I breathed out. I tried to reach out to him with my mind, but that only made my head hurt worse and I hissed out a breath. 

"Yeah, not a good idea sweetheart." I looked up, seeing a guard smiling at me. I shook my head. 

"Why am I here?" My voice slurred as my vision blurred out again. The guard huffed a laugh, not answering. He only looked away as footsteps came towards me. 

"You're part of the key ingredients, (y/n). You and Thomas. Everything comes down to the both of you." I shook my head, blinking my eyes so they would focus. Dr. Ava Paige stood in front of me.

"I don't understand." A sad smile played on her lips. 

"The trials, dear. They were created to test everyone involved, females and males, immune and not immune. They were made to find an answer, a cure. From our years of study, the answer has come to you and Thomas." I swallowed. 

"That's not right. I'm not immune." Dr. Ava shrugged her shoulders. 

"The data reads perfectly. We've run it over and over again. You've seen how quickly the others with the Flare have progressed." I let out a breath. 

"Newt." Dr. Ava nodded. 

"Somehow, though, your body has found a way to slow the virus on its own, so you're not completely immune, but partially. You still caught the virus and it can still take over." I shook my head, mind beginning to feel more clear as we talked. 

"But Janson said I was just bait." 

"Janson does not want to acknowledge that someone who isn't immune could be part of the answer." I sighed, staring at the ceiling, trying to find Newt with my mind. 

"What happens to me here? What happens to Newt?" Dr. Ava stepped closer to my line of sight, the smile coming back to her face. 

"We use you and Thomas to make a cure, save Newt." My eyes moved to look at her, noticing her hesitance. 

"But it's more than that, isn't it? Something you're not telling me." Dr. Ava turned away from me. 

"Begin drawing her blood, then start the procedure." A doctor came into view, pricking my arm and drawing blood. I tried to pull away, but the metal on my ankles and wrists stopped me. The doctor smiled at me as he finished drawing my blood, then he left the room. I could see Dr. Ava follow him. 

"What's the procedure?" I tilted my head to look at the guard from before, but he stayed silent. The room was quiet as I tried to reach out to Newt again. 

~ Newt's P.O.V. ~

I felt a pain in my head as I sat in the pilot area of the Berg. Jorge was in the pilot seat, flying us towards WICKED. The guard had revealed to Tommy that (y/n) would be back with WICKED, something about how Tommy would know why. 

"Newt! Newt!" (y/n)'s voice was loud, startling. I hissed out a breath, gripping at my head. Delilah sent me a concerned look. 

"Newt? Are you okay?" Delilah's voice was soft, drowned out by (y/n) as several images were pushed through my mind, Janson, a smoky room, Dr. Ava, someone drawing blood. A thrum was in my brain, matching a specific rhythm. My eyesight flickered out of the Berg and into an operation room. My view was covered by the fluttering of eyelids. 

"Her blood has been drawn and medication is setting in now. While it sets in, Thomas should be here within the hour. Set up another bed for him. We'll need it soon." The voice echoed and I couldn't tell who was talking. (y/n) let out a sound of protest as her eyes fluttered again. 

"I trusted you. You leave Tommy alone." I felt the ache she felt, the drowsiness coming over her. 

"Yes, well,you never had the best taste in people, now did you?" This voice was different from the first. I could tell it was Janson, the way he sneered, voice dripping, a flash of him came into eyesight, and then (y/n) was unconscious.

"Newt, it's a trap." Her voice was echoing. "I'm bait. You can't come here. Tommy can't come here."In my mind I saw her from the Glade again, little moments between us. The day we met, laying under the stars, sitting by the water in the Glade. "You have to let me go this time. I can't let you get hurt."  There was our first kiss, escaping the Maze, being in the Scorch, playing Uno on the Berg before this mess. "I love you, Newt." I felt her mind escape me as she fully slipped into sleep, though the idea of her still lingered as I blinked my eyes open, eyes filling with tears. 

Delilah was bringing Tommy into the room, pointing at me frantically. Her voice was watered out, yet I still found frustration built in me. The voice said they needed Tommy, and the guard said Tommy would know why (y/n) was with WICKED. Despite what (y/n) said, I couldn't let her go. The thought left me aching, angry, and as Tommy knelt down in front of me with Delilah, concern on his face, I knew I needed answers. 

Publish Date: November 2, 2020

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