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~ Newt's P.O.V. ~

"Newt!" I groaned, hand moving to my shoulder. It was sore and throbbing. I slowly opened my eyes, sucking in a breath. My head was pounding and my side ached.

"Newt!" I looked up quickly, for a moment hearing (y/n)'s voice. A figure was running to me.

"(y/n)?" My voice cracked. My eyesight blurred as the figure grabbed at the brush that was lying on me, then knelt by my side. I blinked, rubbing at my eyes, then opened them again. Minho sat beside me, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"What happened man? Where is (y/n)?" I shook my head, grabbing at the tree to pull myself up. Minho pushed up beside me, placing a hand to my back when I stumbled forward. I looked around.

"I- I don't know. We were right here when I passed out."

"You passed out?" I nodded, squinting my eyes to where Brenda and Jorge were kneeling. Someone was on the ground between them.

"Why else would I be under brush without (y/n)?" I stalked forward towards Brenda and Jorge, Minho close behind me. I could see the Berg parked a couple yards away. Three figures stood in its doorway. As I came closer, one of them ran out of the Berg towards us.

"What happened to him?" Brenda looked to me, taking two fingers away from the neck of the man that lay on the ground in front of her. I felt a sudden anger flare up within me when I saw his WICKED badge.

"He's one of them, WICKED. They came after us, and (y/n) was stubborn. She wouldn't shucking leave me!" I noticed Minho's flinch at my shout, reminding myself to quiet down, try to be calm, yet the anger still simmered in my stomach, bubbled in my blood.

"Yes, but why would he be here and not with WICKED?" I knelt down, staring hard at the man on the ground. Tommy came beside Jorge, huffing through his nose, yet he said nothing.

"Whatever happened here, I wasn't awake for it." I turned in my place, looking around the area. In my mind I could see (y/n) walking down the small hill from the tree to the guards, the guard grabbing at her, the vial injecting into his hand. I reached at the dirt, finding the small vial that had been shot at me. I remembered she had pulled it out after I had been shot. "He must've pissed her off. She used the rest of whatever I got shot with on him." I held the vial up in between two fingers.

"Do you think he tried to go after you?" I shook my head at Tommy.

"WICKED would have sent multiple people since they knew I was with her. They either didn't know I was here or didn't care, but she seems to have gone off without struggle, or she didn't struggle until further along. The guard will know better than me. We have to question him." I stood. Brenda looked at me with a frown.

"You can't just go making demands of us-" I growled low in my throat, barely noticing.

"They took (y/n), so for some reason WICKED needs her. Do you really think sitting around playing pat-a-cake is going to fix your problems? We have to question the bloody guard and find her. You're the one who wanted everyone in Denver, knowing (y/n) and I couldn't get in. So slim it, you'll have a nice long life to live, I might not, (y/n) might not, so let me just find her." Brenda swallowed, looking away from me. Someone put their hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. It was Tommy.

"We'll take him back to the Berg, question him and stuff. Come on." I nodded, standing back with Tommy as Jorge and Minho moved to carry the unconscious guard.

~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"I don't understand why you brought me here." I whispered to the guard as we stood in a dim room on the Berg. The guard kept silent. I stared at my wrists, bound by tight rope, until the door to the room opened. Janson stepped through, and the door closed behind him.

"It is the same way we don't understand why you lied to protect the boy. We know Newt was with you. He didn't get his tracker taken out in Denver, and you couldn't have gotten it out yourself." I shrugged. I ran a finger against the back of my hand, trying to remind myself to remain calm.

"You don't know what I could've done. You always seem to be underestimate me, yet I'm still alive."

"You're only alive because Newt never gave up on you, therefore your friends weren't able to give up on you either." I scoffed, looking at the floor. I could hear Janson's footsteps come closer. "Newt helped you after the Grievers, after George, through the tunnels into the Scorch, and my list could go on and on to include even before the Maze trials. Newt is your main reason of survival. You don't want to get a big head and think you're important." Janson's voice was harsh and low. He tapped at my nose, causing me to pull my face away from him with a scowl.

"And yet, WICKED wanted me and not Newt." Janson laughed, grabbing at my face and forcing me to look at him. His dark eyes scanned my face with distaste.

"Doesn't your role mean anything to you? 'The Accident and the Sacrificer?' You're not meant to be here. You're not meant to be alive. Everyone dies, including the children who simply cannot sustain the mentality that is required of them throughout the trials. Everyone dies unless they are strong minded and immune. In the end, everyone will die, unless we make a cure, which WICKED will. They have to." Janson let go of my face, pulling up the sleeve of his jacket. There, his veins lined his arm like ink, dark and spanning. I swallowed, clenching at the metal lining the side of my leg as he dropped the sleeve. I looked back to Janson's face. "By then, though, you will most likely be dead, along with Newt and the rest of your friends that weren't immune. Our only hope is our one key ingredient for the cure." Janson pushed away from me, beginning to walk away.

"That doesn't explain why I'm here. What key ingredient are you talking about?"

"Darling, you're bait for him." I furrowed my eyebrows, watching as Janson stood in the doorway of the room. He was a tall, dark shadow, reminding me of my nightmares in the Maze.

"But you can track Newt-" Janson shook his head, eyes glinting in the dim light as he looked at me.

"Not for Newt. For Thomas. Dr. Ava Paige says that with everything else WICKED has collected, he can help save us all." The door closed as Janson left, leaving the room to reclaim its silence. I swallowed, looking forward as I gave slight tugs on the restraints around my wrists. My skin burned where I pressed and rubbed it against the rope, but I didn't want to think about that. I was focused on Tommy, how Newt would insist on helping rescue me. Both would die here, wherever I am or wherever WICKED is taking me. I felt my eyes begin to water as I pulled harder, making shocks of pain run along my arms.

"You have to realize this is wrong. Killing kids like this is wrong." My voice was a whisper, but I knew the guard could hear me. He only turned away as a smoke began to fill the room. I watched as the guard left, then stared at the smoke around me. As I breathed in, a headache formed. I began to feel light headed and pulled at my bindings harder, realizing the smoke is what made me feel like this, then I rolled onto my stomach, pushing up with my bound hands to stand. I stumbled once I was up, then ran to the door, grabbing the knob and turning, but it wouldn't open. I hit the door. "Let me out! Let me-" I looked down at the knob again, realizing it had the longer handle. I slipped the handle between my hands in the rope, then pulled again, working my hands out. 

My headache got worse, and the burn in my right wrist grew as I slid it out and the fog made contact with it. I hissed out a breath, seeing the large rings of raw skin around my wrist. When I finished with my first hand, I worked to get my second hand out next, then stepped back once both hands were free. I looked around, my eyesight becoming blurry. I moved to the wall, noticing a small ledge that went halfway up the wall. I gripped onto the ledge, trying to lift a leg to pull myself up, but my body moved sluggishly and feeling like it had become lead. 

I tried pushing up again, huffing out a breath, but with the same results. I let go of the ledge, sliding down and looking through the fog. This was a test, and I failed. I curled up, coughing as my eyesight blurred and my headache seemed to pound harder. I groaned, moving a hand to hold my head as everything seemed to blacken around me. I could hear my heart beat growing louder and louder, felt it throughout my whole body, then everything went black. 

Publish Date: August 22, 2020

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