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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"The hall with weapons is down this way." Brenda pointed forward. Halfway down the hall, I paused. 

"Wait, I can't leave without Ben's bag. It's too important. They took it off of me when I first got here." The group stopped and Brenda frowned at me. 

"How is a bag-" Tommy placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her head and she went quiet. 

"It's in our room, not the one we just stayed in just now, but our old room. I can get it." Newt went to pull away from me, but I kept his hand tight in my grip. 

"Like hell I'd let you get my bag alone."

"I can't let you come with me." Newt gripped my face, giving me a quick, chaste kiss, then he was running down the hall. 

"Newt!" I hissed, watching as he turned the corner. I looked back at Brenda, Tommy, and Minho. Tommy shook his head at me. 

"(y/n), don't be stupid." I looked back after Newt, the tugging pulling at me. I sighed, then ran after Newt. 


I crept down the hall, following the tugging down different turns. Occasionally, someone would pass and I would push myself into tight spaces until they were gone, but so far I hadn't seen much of anyone. 

Soon, I turned down a hall that was familiar from my years before the Maze. The several times Newt and I had been led to and from this hall. I walked passed each door, trying to stay quiet. I gripped at the door knob of the room I used to share with Newt. 

"I told you not to come with me." I heard a grunt behind me and a body drop. I turned, still holding the knob. Newt gave me a look, as he knelt beside the guard he had just knocked out. He picked up the guard's blaster and passed me Ben's bag. 

"The click of the metal on your leg is unmistakeable. It's why I wanted you to stay back." I put the bag on, huffing out a sigh. 

"Yeah, apparently WICKED didn't want me to be stealthy, but I couldn't let you go alone." Newt led me back down the hall. 

"Wonder why they wouldn't want you to be stealthy, definitely not because they want us all dead." Newt pushed me against the wall as someone passed in the hall ahead of us. I grabbed at his arm as we walked forward. 

Soon, we were back in the hall we had left Brenda, Tommy, and Minho in. Newt and I walked towards Minho's voice as he argued with someone.

"-so sorry you were spared from having your memories be erased and being stuck in a deadly Maze where you watched a bunch of your friends die. Next time, I'll remind them to bring you in with us." 

"All I said was I don't understand why the bag-" Newt and I came to the doorway of the weapons room, where Minho was grabbing boxes of ammo. Brenda was looking at him, crossed arms, but her voice died when she saw us. 

"We were gone for only a little bit and you guys are already at each other's throats?" I walked to Minho, grabbing at ammo as well. Neither Minho or Brenda replied.

"Tommy, I need to talk to you." I looked back in surprise as Newt waved Tommy over. I watched with a confused look as Tommy followed Newt out the door. I turned back to Minho, holding the ammo under my arms. 

"I'm sorry, for yesterday, I mean. I shouldn't have treated you like that. We've known each other for years, I know you wouldn't do the things I was accusing you of." I shrugged, pulling a gun over my shoulder. 

"I forgive you. What you said hurt, but I was more worried about-" Two arms carefully wrapped themselves around me. There was a gently kiss placed in my hair as Newt took some of the ammo from me. Part of his guilt hit me in waves as I turned to him. 

In the End (Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now