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~ (y/n)'s P.O.V. ~

"You're telling me that you guys want to go where Newt and I aren't allowed?" Tommy looked away from Newt and I with a guilty look on his face. Delilah was out of the room with Dan and Minho was still with Jorge. In the area was just Brenda, Tommy, Newt, and I.

"There is someone that might be there who could help us." Brenda said simply, but I didn't want to hear Brenda say it, I wanted to hear Tommy say it, say something. He had been as quiet since the plan had been said. Brenda was the only one who argued for it.

"So what, just because there might be someone to help means Newt and I have to be dropped off somewhere and hope we survive while you guys relax in safe walls? There's no way to sneak us in. I know you know that." I crossed my arms, glaring at Brenda, feeling anger grow inside of me. I tried to push it down, push it away.

"Your arguing about this only makes this worse." Brenda looked at me. I frowned at her

"For who? You or me? Because Newt and I can die! That's why you guys are okay with all the risks you make because, after all this, you can come out alive. We both aren't guaranteed that we'll live. You want to drop us off somewhere for how long?"

"We never said we'd drop you off."

"So we'll just sit in the Berg hoping someone doesn't come along and find us. You make it seem like you're the ones being put at risk all the time, but you're really putting us at risk instead. What is so important about these stupid people that might be in Denver anyway?"

"There is no other option for you. It is either that or die trying to enter one of the last immune cities. The people in Denver, if they're still there, can help take the trackers and WICKED things out of everyone's heads."

"My memory device with the tracker was taken out, but Newt's on the other hand... he isn't immune. So what will you do for him?" Brenda couldn't answer me. I opened my mouth to make another remark, but two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. It was Newt, I knew it was.

"Love, we have to let them do it." I looked back at him, feeling sick to my stomach.

"But what if we get caught? We're at more risk than-" He turned me in place and kissed my forehead.

"You know I wouldn't let them harm you, or do anything to you. That has always been my promise to keep." I buried my head into his shoulder.

"But that's what I am afraid of, not being able to protect you."


I placed down a red card.

"Uno!" Newt stared down at the cards, a look on his face.

"I still don't understand this game." I laughed, holding my last card close to my chest.

"You have to try to prevent me from not winning." Newt frowned, placing down his own red card. I smiled at him, placing down my last card- a wild card. "Uno out! I win!" Newt smiled at me as I did a little dance of victory. He pushed the cards aside, leaning forward to kiss me. I stopped my dance, cupping Newt's cheeks as I returned the kiss.

Soon, Newt pulled away, kissing my cheek, then down my jawline to my neck, there he softly nipped my skin before coming back to kiss me again. I hummed though the kiss, threading my fingers through his hair, butterflies fluttering in my stomach as his hand gripped my hip, thumb grazing the skin there.

"I love you." Newt whispered. I smiled at him, resting my forehead against his.

"I love you too."

In the End (Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now