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Taemin swirled the straw of his boba milk tea around his tongue, his dark coffee brown eyes glued onto his phone screen.

Hoseok's shift supposed to be over by now, he worked at a drug store and Taemin had just got into the city to surprise his boyfriend. So he sat in his car, in front of Hoseok's complex apartment gate and has been waiting to spot the patch of Hoseok's brown hair.

But so far, not a thing.

Taemin hit the dial button and did not even bother in placing it by his ear, as he watched himself go to voicemail. Taemin began to worry for his boyfriend's safety that he decided to just go and check up on him at the drug store, maybe Hoseok had been given overtime.

Or even worse, what if the boy had gotten into a serious car accident on his way home from work? With this thought in mind, Taemin chucked his boba milk tea into the vacant cup holder of the car and hit the acceleration pedal.

Taemin managed to maneuver his way through a shortcut that led to the drug store. As he drove towards it, Taemin noticed that Hoseok's black SUV car wasn't in sight. Parking his own car in front of the store, Taemin got out and went straight inside.

“Hey uhm,” Taemin walked up to the cashier, the highschool girl looked up from her phone. “The person before your shift, did he say where he was going?”

The girl blinked, thinking for a second. “Who? Hoseok? He didn't say anything, we aren't close.”

Taemin nodded, understanding. “I see, thank you.”

The raven haired boy exited the store and sighed. Maybe Hoseok had already left before Taemin had gotten here, he should probably head back to his apartment. The boy was about to unlock his car when a nearby shop had caught his eye.

It's bright colours, captivating Taemin.

The store was recently opened and by the looks of it, sold plushies. Taemin bit his inner cheek, wondering whether he should check it out and maybe get something for Hoseok and him. Giving in to his undeniable desire, Taemin left the side of his car and began to near the little shop.

“Maybe they'll have the snoppy plushie...” Taemin mumbled to himself, smiling at the thought of Hoseok's bright smile.

“He busted my car, how am I supposed to travel again?”

Taemin halted in his steps, hearing the familiar voice of his boyfriend. He looked around, unable to find him nor anyone that resembles the brunette boy.

“I'm sorry, I never knew he could go so berserk,” A female's voice followed afterwards. “You can use mine, hm? What do you say, baby?”

Taemin followed the source of the voices, coming to a still when he now stood at the entrance of the alley that was in between the drug store and the plushie store. It looked like a couple were having their moment, the male's back facing him while the girl made a pouty face.

Taemin shook his head, about to turn away when the boy spoke again.

“Aigoo, why do you have to be so cute.”

Glancing back, Taemin watched the sideview of the male's face who had leaned in to peck the girl on her lips. He felt as if his heart had skipped a beat but not for the reason he wanted it to.

The curve of Hoseok's jawline and the browns of his hair that shone a bit darker in the lighting and it confused Taemin. The boy took a step forward, into the alley.

“Hobi?” Taemin said out loud, using the nickname he had always been calling his boyfriend.

The smile that was on Hoseok's face, immediately dropped as he whipped his head to the side. And there was no mistaking it, the person with the girl was none other than his own boyfriend.

Hoseok's eyes widened, taken back by the sudden appearance of Taemin. The boy stumbled away from the girl and stood in front of Taemin with shaking eyes and quivering lips.

“Ta-taemin? What are you doing here?” Hoseok questioned, unable to find the right words to say.

“What I'm doing here?” Taemin scoffed in disbelief, the burning sensation in his throat and eyes arose but he kept pushing back the urge to let it out. “So this is what you've been doing all the time I'm away?”

Hoseok was stunned, unable to answer him back. The girl that he was with, slithered to a further corner. Not wanting to be dragged into another lovers quarrel. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Hoseok reached out— trying to hold his hand.

“Taemin, it's... It's just—”

“I don't want to hear it. You can't deny the fact that I saw you kiss her, bright as day.” Taemin breathed out, he took a step closer the boy. “To think I was going to move from America to Seoul, all just for you— makes me wanna—”

Taemin raised his hand, ready to pummel Hoseok's face into the wall next to them. But as Hoseok bent backwards and shielded his face, Taemin knew he couldn't do that to a person. That no matter how much they had hurt him, he can never hurt them back. Physically or mentally.

Allowing his hand to fall limb to his side, Taemin shook his head and began to walk backwards.

“We're done, Hoseok,” Taemin finally stated, looking at him in the eye. He used his left hand and pointed to Hoseok and then himself. “You and I, we're done.”

“Tae...” Hoseok's eyes watered and it made Taemin sick to the stomach to see such a sight after clearly knowing the boy was in the wrong.

Taemin gave the boy one last look and turned around on his heels, changing his destination from the plushie store to his car. It was time to go back to America and hopefully never return for the douchebag's sake.

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now