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Taemin was having a moment as he tapped away on the keyboard, a pair of glasses were laid on the bridge of his nose as he focused on the screen and his masterpiece. Jimin stood behind him, watching the boy work with the utmost interest.

"Wow, you're really good at this." Jimin complimented, tilting his head to the side. "What is 'this' again?"

Ignoring him, Taemin did the finishing touches before sighing out in relief. "And we're done."

Taking the laptop in his hand, Taemin turned to show Jimin who had gotten tired and was now sprawled on the bed.

"Come take a look at this and tell me what you see!" Taemin called out, gaining the other's attention.

They were currently in Jimin's room, Hwasa's house, plotting a new plan for Hoshi's demise. Jimin couldn't understand why Taemin would even be up to do all of this considering that Hoshi was his brother. But like the boy had said before, he had felt terrible about how Hoshi treats everyone.

"Is that—" Jimin squinted at the image on the laptop screen before his eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Oh my god is Hoshi making out with one of the other dance participants?!"

And that's exactly what the picture appeared to look like. Of course it wasn't true, but Taemin managed to capture a picture of Hoshi in an angle and photoshopped it a bit that now it looks like he's making out with one of the participants.

The participants face was blocked so the innocent guy weren't going to get his reputation tarnished except for Hoshi whose face was in HD full few.

"And you know what we should do with this?" Taemin teasingly asked.

Jimin and him locked eye contact before it clicked.


"Oh my god I can't help it, my stomach's killing me." Jimin said between sharp intakes of breath and silent laughter.

More and more people began to gather around the building's 'Notice Board' in the hallway while the two culprits hang out further away from the crowd. They had printed and posted the photoshopped pictures of Hoshi on every Notice Board on campus.

"Where is he?" Jimin questioned once they had calmed down, taking quick glances around the hallway.

"Probably at the dance studio, they're showcasing the selected final participants to the main judges and staff today." Taemin stated.

Jimin pursed his lips, 'They're already on the final round for the dance program?'

Taemin, noticing his quietness then bumped shoulders with the boy to get his attention. "Hey, come with me."

"Huh?" Jimin was about to question but Taemin had already grapped his hand and began to pull him down the corridor and stairs.

It took Jimin a few seconds to recognise the path they were taking which was to the dance studio but once again he didn't question it and allowed Taemin to continue. Once they neared the studio, they slowed down their steps and Taemin pushed open the door to peek inside.

"There's no one here yet," Taemin announced, pushing the door further open and stepping inside. "We better make fast."

Taemin let go of Jimin's hand and began to do what he came for. Jimin wandered inside more slowly and glanced around the interior. It appeared that they had set up the place for the finalists announcement. With chairs for the judges and a small upper stage.

Jimin found Taemin by the stage where a laptop was placed on top of one of the chairs and he was once again tapping away on it. Frowning Jimin approached him.

"What are you doing?" Jimin inquired but Taemin merely shot him a wink before pulling out a USB from his pocket and sliding it into the USB port in the laptop.

"Just round three." Taemin stated and continued to do his thing.

"But— Someone may enter any second!" Jimin began to panick because there was no other escape route in this dance studio.

"Shhhh, just a few seconds more." Taemin reassured him but that went down the drain when they began to hear voices and approaching footsteps.

"Taemin!" Jimin panicked and began to tug his sleeve.

Grunting, Taemin pressed a few more keys before ejecting the USB. The footsteps were now closer and he began to search around the studio. That's when his eyes landed on the closet with brooms and mops, it was small but big enough to fit them both.

"Come on." Taemin whispered and pulled Jimin with him.

The both of them were pressed up against each other but it was the only way to close the janitor's closet door, again. Luckily there were little vents to breath and look out. In walked Hoshi, the finalists and the judges. Jimin took in a sharp breath as he looked out.

Taemin turned his face away from the vents and realised that Jimin's face was mere inches from his own, just that Taemin was taller so Jimin's forehead reached up until his nose. It seemed Jimin also realised and tried moving a bit back but ended up knocking a broom.

"I won't bite," Taemin whispered. "You can come closer, otherwise you'll knock everything."

"Yeah..." Jimin replied back and stopped moving.

Hoshi begun with his introduction to the judges as the finalists lined up on the small stage.

"These were the most promising participants and we've arranged a little something to prove it." Hoshi said and turned towards the laptop.

Jimin knew Taemin had done something so he tilted his head up at Taemin. "What did you do?"

Taemin smiled down at Jimin. "Just watch."

And just as he said that, Hoshi had pressed a button and the sound that erupted through the speakers that laid side by side the stage weren't filled with his intended music.

"Oh my god, Taemin." Jimin immediately burst into laughter and pressed his face into the boy's chest to muffle the noise.

Emitting from the speakers were none other than a porn audio in all its glory. Hoshi was stuck in his place in shock and took a few seconds to aggressively try to stop the audio while sweating and glancing at the uncomfortable judges.

Taemin pursed his lips to stop his own giggles and glanced down at Jimin who still had his face buried in his chest.

Taemin bent down his head and said into the boy's ears. "I guess we should call this the final round."

"Most definitely." Jimin agreed, pulling his face from Taemin's chest to grin up the taller boy.

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now