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Taemin doesn't know when was the last time that he ever had such a comfortable and peaceful sleep. He curled up in himself even more, wiggling closer to the source of warmth and tightening the blanket around his face.

He could already feel the warm sun hitting his face which sort of surprised him. Didn't he always close the curtains before he went to bed? Perhaps he was too exhausted and had forgotten to. He brushed the thought away and stretched out his hand, wanting to find a cool place on the mattress.

Taemin ended up sprawling his arm across a warm, lean and muscled chest.

A bare chest.

Taemin snapped his eyes open and his breath hitched in his throat. In front of him laid a peaceful looking Jimin, eyes closed and his chest with Taemin's arm across it merely rose and fell in soft heaves. He laid there, watching Jimin sleep for about five minutes. His mind blank and his heart racing.

That is until the memories of last night along with the sharp pain of his approaching hangover came back like a slap across the face. In a panic, Taemin picked up the blanket to look down at his naked body.

“Gah!” Taemin pushed himself backwards and away from Jimin as fast as he could, taking along the covers and a pillow with him as he tumbled onto the floor.

Jimin frowned in his sleep before cracking open his eyes because of the commotion. He sat up and peeked over the edge of the bed where Taemin struggled to get free from the blanket he was tangled in.

“Are you okay?” Jimin questioned, his face one of sleepy concern.

“Okay?!” Taemin's voice could be heard before he finally managed to pull the blanket off his face. He yanked the pillow that had fallen with him and he threw it at Jimin.

Upon impact, the pillow sent Jimin flying backwards onto his back on the bed. Taemin pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders. The redness of his face was a sight to take in.

“D-did we just— Did we—”

“Fuck?” Jimin said, casually. He sat crossed legs with the pillow covering his groin area. “Yeah, I guess we did.”

Taemin didn't know if he could go a shade darker than the crimson he already was. Like a woman caught changing, Taemin cowered into the safety of his blanket. Unable to meet Jimin's gaze, Taemin averted it to the ground.

“Hm?” Jimin raised his brows, unable to hear what incoherent words Taemin mumbled under his breath. “Did you say something?”

“I saw,” Taemin took in a deep breath. “Get out of my house!”

Getting up from the ground, Taemin grabbed the younger by the ear and dragged him all the out of his bedroom door before shutting it in Jimin's face. Jimin winched, rubbing his sore ear.

“Can I at least have my clothes?” Jimin asked through the door, knocking twice. “You don't want your neighbours to see me walking out of your apartment butt naked, do you? I mean, they wouldn't be all that surprised. You were pretty loud last ni—”

Jimin's sentence was muffled by his clothes that Taemin had thrown at him before closing the door once more. Sighing to himself, Jimin took his time changing before he left. He truly believed that Taemin was going to be all lovey dovey the next morning but he should've know, this was the boy's personality. He was just disappointed that he reacted in such a way.

Taemin's chest heaved as he leaned against his bedroom door, head tilted to the ceiling to stare at the stationary fan. Groaning, he walked over to the bed and collapsed on his back. Burying his face into the palm of his hands.

Something uncomfortable and hard poked at Taemin's back. Shoving a hand underneath him to grasp the item, he pulled it out in curiosity. It was his honey bottle and dipper, well the dipper was nowhere to be seen and the honey bottle was empty.

“Why was this...” Taemin thought out loud before his mind decided to give him another flashback.

Oh. That explained the stickiness on his body.


Taemin walked down the university's hallways, his eyes scanning every section of the place for Jimin. He has been feeling guilty with how he had treated Jimin this morning, despite how his heart palpitated and the butterfly nest in his stomach, Taemin's head had won in the morning and he acted irrational.

Classes had finished for half a day, it was now break so that meant everyone wouldn't be in class. And just as he expected, there he found Jimin. Walking down the he hallway in his direction but with Jiwoo by his side. Taemin gulped down his pride and strode to the boy.

“Hey, Jimin,” Taemin greeted, stopping in front of the two. He glanced to Jiwoo and gave her a small smile. “Can we talk in private?”

“Oh? Sure,” Jimin looked at Jiwoo. “I'll catch up with you after the next lecture.”

Taemin led Jimin out of the crowded hallway, not wanting to speak and have a hundred people witness to his flushed self. Jimin didn't seem mad, upset and not even a tad bit of angry with Taemin. The boy was all sleepy and skippy, as if he had the best day in the world.

That didn't help the guilty feeling in Taemin's stomach to subside.

They had reached the university's gardens which the members of the gardening club takes care of. Stopping by the bench that grew purple lotuses on the side. Taemin turned towards Jimin and hesitantly looked around, not knowing what to say at first.

“You do realise I've begun to like you, right?” Was the first thing Taemin said before glancing up at Jimin's face.

The boy was as neutral as can be. He tilted his head to the side, innocently. “I mean if you didn't then I'd feel really awkward because then it would mean that I slept with my crush who doesn't even like me.”

“H-huh—” There goes Taemin's voice turning into tomato paste. “You l-like me?”

“Wasn't that obvious?” Jimin asked, furrowing his brows. “I thought you did too, and that's why we went all the way last night. Because I don't know about you but I had sense and consent, and I'm pretty sure you did too.”

“I did.” Taemin honestly said.

“Then, why did you react like that? I've been thinking about it whole day and I thought maybe you were surprised or it was your way of being blushy and embarassed.”

Ah. More red splotches to cover the entirety of Taemin's skin. “It's because... I'm scared, okay?!”

“Scared? About what?” Jimin's face was creased in a frown. “You know I wouldn't want to hurt you.”

“I know, it's just that you remind me so much of him. My ex that I had dated for six years,” Taemin took in a breath, memories of Hobi coming to mind. “He cheated on me and I didn't even suspect a thing.”

The two opened up. Speaking about both their ex's that had huge impact that they had on their lives. Taemin's confession of how much he thought he found the right person made Jimin want to prove to him that he could be that person. And Jimin's confession of the origin of his eating disorders because of his ex had led to Taemin becoming furious.

“You know, we can take it slow,” Jimin spoke, his own cheeks flaring into a shade of pink. “You can pick the volume in bed, though. I like it maximum, if you're wondering.”

Taemin ending up pinching the younger. They laughed together, having finally let out held emotions they both felt lighter and free.

“So will you date me?” Jimin asked when they fell silent.

“Yes,” Taemin nodded, covering his face with the back of his palm. “But let's not tell the others anything, just yet.”

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now