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“Get in, twerps.”

Those were the first words that Jimin and Jiwoo recieved from Hwasa who had drove to the airport to pick them up, during the night. With her shades running down the bridge of her nose and smirk curled on her face.

The drive from the airport to her house wasn't as long as they expected, mainly because the three of them had began talking about absolutely anything that came in their sight. Jimin didn't contribute much in their conversations except here and there, his main focus was on the passing buildings and the fact that he wasn't in Seoul anymore— sinking in.

Hwasa and Jiwoo had noticed but preferred to leave the boy in his own space. Once they had reached her house, Jimin's thoughts about Seoul had completely vanished. For the white building in front of him was probably worth more than his lungs on the black market.

Not that he was planning to sell it—

“Jiwoo your room is the first door in the right wing, hallway,” Hwasa stated, helping her heave one of her suitcases in that direction before turning to Jimin. “And yours is the third in the left wing, hallway. C'mon I'll help you.”

“What about me?” Jiwoo cried from behind Hwasa who was helping Jimin with his duffle bag and escorting the boy to his room. She picked up her free hand and waved it at Jiwoo, as she walked on. “You're a tough girl, you'll manage.”

Jimin let out a snort at the scowling Jiwoo at the main entrance before jogging to catch up with her sister. Hwasa leads him into a very spacious bedroom that had window that looked over the side view of their gardens.

There was a built in wardrobe, along with other furniture that was a bland color of white and grey. Placing his duffle bag on the bed, Hwasa looked around the room herself before turning to him.

“I hope you like it, you can decorate it however you like. I know it feels too hotel like and I want you to feel at ease and that you're at home,” She said, walking over the small coffee table by the window shrugging. “We can go decor shopping tomorrow, what do you say?”

Jimin shoots her a sweet smile, his eyes crinkling. “Sure, noona.”

She nods and begins to retreat from the room when she halted in her steps by the door, a thought popping up. “I'll gonna be at the pool for a while. Why don't you freshen up a bit from that long plane ride and join me for a swim?”

Jimin's eyes bulged into googly eyes as he looked at her over his shoulder and said with pouty lips. “You have pool too?”

Hwasa broke out laughing. “Yes, yes I do. It's indoor, down the right corridor before Jiwoo's room.”

After she left, Jimin wasted no time and began to search through his trunk for something fitting to wear before throwing it on and bringing a towel. He followed the directions she had told him and peeked through the small opening of the door where the pool area was.

Once he saw her jump into the water, he smiled to himself and walked into. The lights were dimmed in the room and underneath the water was glowing, giving the whole place a blue wavy look.

Hwasa ushered him forward once she noticed him. “C'mon, get your butt in here.”

Slipping into the pool, slowly, Jimin swam to her side. They both spoke to each other about him starting campus within a month's time and her wanting to show him some of her favourite places in America.

It was about half an hour when they both leaned against the edge of the pool and looked forward at the reflected water waves on the roof and walls.

“I know you've told us everything that happened,” Hwasa began, touching the topic she was meaning to talk about. “But I also know you're bottling up feelings and emotions and pretending to be okay in front of us to not make us worry.”

“I'm not—”

“Jimin,” Hwasa flicked his exposed forehead with her forefinger, earning him to stop his denial. “I'm not asking you to pour out your feelings, right now. At this very second. No. I'm saying that whenever you're ready to talk, you can. We're like family and I'm always here if you need me.”

Jimin rubbed at his forehead, in silence. He knew what Hwasa was getting at, that it was going to be hard for him to move on from Somin, especially after being with her for years. Those feelings can never just disappear overnight.

He smiled sadly, lifting his eyes and meeting her soft one. “Thanks, noona. For everything.”


“But the black one—”

“No, the red looks better on him!”

Jimin stood in-between two bickering sisters, where one held up a black overcoat towards him and the other held up a red overcoat. They were in one of the clothing shops, buying clothes and getting decor for their rooms when a sudden outbreak of which colour suited him began.

He tried calming them down, saying he would just get the brown overcoat but they didn't even hear him. Sighing, he leaned against the empty dressing room door and looked around the shop as he waited for the two to come to an agreement.

And that's where he saw a black haired boy roaming through one of the nearby aisle, his back was turned towards him so Jimin wasn't able to make out their face but the boy looked extremely familiar. As if he had saw him recently but Jimin just couldn't pinpoint it.

“Okay, okay, okay...” Hwasa‘s voice spoke up before she turned to Jimin. “How about we let him pick, instead?”

Jiwoo nodded and also turned to him, lifting up the black overcoat in her hands. “Jimin? Which do you prefer?”

He tore his eyes from the boy who walked further away and back to the girls, all the while pushing that gut wrenching feeling he had in his stomach.

“How about we get some doughnuts?”

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now