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A week had gone by in a wink of an eye and Jimin had been allowed to officially go on stage. His first day was exhausting but it was also relieving in a way. Getting to dance on and around a pole, presenting to everyone the essence of the beautiful art of pole dancing and still getting money thrown at him.

He was announced to the whole club on the microphone as Baby G. His old nickname that Jiwoo and Lisa had come out with. It was no lie, Jimin was about to choose something else but Lisa had achieved in getting everyone to call him Baby G, hence the results.

As time went by, Jimin grew in popularity. Especially with the girl who never stopped taking him to VIP, heck he has even captured the hearts of the guys too. As the night turned to dawn, the club began to get empty and soon it was closing up time.

After untying the silk red mask that hide his beauty, Jimin was approached by Taeyong who also had his own mask in the palm of his hand. The boy was clapping, enthusiastically with a grin plastered on his face.

“Damn, Jimin,” Taeyong whistle, causing Jimin to giggle and blush a bit. “Who knew this type of duality lived in you?”

Lisa nodded, wiggling her eyebrows as if telling him, _'You slayed_'. Jiwoo sighed as she walked towards them, running her clammy hands on the baristas uniform with an exhuasted expression as she also joined.

“What can I say?” Jimin shrugged, tossing a hand towel that had soaked up his body sweat, over his shoulder. “The audience was amazing.”

Yeji strutted towards them, spanking Jimin's ass as she came up behind him and went to stand with Taeyong. Jimin gave her a mini glare with a pout of his lips while rubbing his now sore behind.

“And look at that, a complete baby,” Yeji pointed out. “But on stage he switches and gives is complete daddy vibes.”

Everyone erupted into laughter at her bold statement, including Jimin who muffled his giggles with the palm of his hand. Shrugging, Jimin pointed towards the changing room and began walking.

“I'll just grab my jacket and things, I'll be back.” He said, disappearing quickly into the changing room with lockers, a smile still on his face.

When Jimin enters, he immediately stops for a few seconds at the sight of Taemin who was tying the shoelaces of his Nikes with an open locker next to him, where hung all the boy's stripper clothing and other necessities.

Jimin tool a deep breath and didn't allow his smile to flatten as he continued to walk inside and stop by his own locker.

“Quite a night, huh?” Jimin said, casually as he pulled open his own locker.

“Didn't I tell you not to talk to me?”

Jimin's body stiffened and he resisted the urge to squeeze his hand into a fist, for the delicate silk red mask had laid in his palm. Taking in a deep breath, Jimin placed the mask on the top shelf pulled out his jacket before slamming the locker close.

“God damn it, would it kill you to show some kindness?” Jimin yelled out at him, glaring burning holes at the boy's face who now stood straight up.

“Would it kill you to shut up and keep your mouth to yourself?” Taemin shot back, just as fast with a raised voice.

“I can't believe you,” Jimin scoffed at his attitude and rolled his eyes. “I'm not sure why you hate me so much, have I done something wrong to offend you? Was it because I knocked my luggage at the back of your knees, at the airport?”

“I am not that childish—” Taemin began only to get cut off the next second by a raging Jimin.

“Yeah, I'm sure you aren't,” Jimin grunted and clenched his jaw tightly. “Then what are you? Because as far as I remember, we've never met each other before.”

“Why do you need to know everything about everyone around you?!” Taemin gritted his teeth together. “Can't you just leave me the fuck alone?!”

Jimin was about to step forward, his fists curling up tightly but his conscious screamed against him to just stop and calm down. He has to remember that he promised Jiwoo, years ago, that he will never let his rage take over until it left the other individual beaten up.

Like the incident where someone had called Jiwoo a whore, only for Jimin to break his nose and the rest of his face. Jimin let out a shuddered breath and turned around, not even sparing the boy a glance as he stomped out if the changing room.

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now