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Taemin rushed out of the restaurant, bumping into people and tables because of his blurry, teared eyes but that didn't slow him down. The cold, brisk night slapped against his face as he ran. Glancing around the street for any empty taxi's that were coming his way. Hurt and broken, Taemin needed to get away from Jimin as fast as he could.

Jimin stumbled towards the receptionist, paying for the table booking and throwing in apologies for everything that had transpired in the restaurant. They were probably never gonna come back. By the time Jimin made it outside, Taemin was long gone.

Grunting, he hollered down the first taxi he saw and took it to Taemin's apartment. The lights were off but that didn't stop Jimin. He should've been scared to wake up neighbor's and cause a racket, but that was the last thing on Jimin's mind. He banged the door, his knuckles groaning from the hard impact.

“Taemin!” Jimin shouted from outside, following with another bang. “I know you're inside, Taemin. Please, let's talk. Let me in.”

Taemin sniffed and held his breath. Sitting on the ground, his back pressed against the door, he was able to feel the vibrations of each bang. He refused to reply for he was afraid he'd just become a mess of sobs and tears. So he laid there, back against the door with his forehead pressed against his knees.

The banging stopped for a while and all Taemin could hear was Jimin's ragged panting. Jimin placed his forehead against the door, tears slipping out and falling to the ground.

“I'm sorry, Taemin. For everything,” Jimin begun in a low and calm voice. “You are not a rebound. That's not how I see you or our relationship.”

Despite hearing it from Jimin's lips, Taemin knew better. He knew that he couldn't trust the boy's words. Not after how he witnessed Jimin fighting over Somin. Squeezing his eyes shut, Taemin just wished the hurt could go away.

“I truly care for you. I want to be with you more than anything, I'm so sorry,” A shuddering breath could be heard being taken by Jimin. “It's just that... Somin brings out a side to me that no one else does...”

Taemin stood up after the mention of Somin and made his way to the bathroom, not wanting to hear anymore.

“... I was frustrated at them and took it out on you,” Jimin kept speaking, his tears cascading down faster. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Taemin.”

Feeling the hot drops of the shower water, hitting against his skin. Taemin suddenly felt a gut wrenching feeling. He felt _dirty_ and _disgusted_ with himself at the thought of being a sexual rebound. He grabbed the sponge and began to scrub himself, particularly the places where Jimin usually touches him.

He started scrubbing harder and harder. His skin became red with bumpy spots until eventually he began to bleed. Once the sight of a streak of red came into his vision, Taemin stopped and dropped the sponge. Falling down onto the shower floor and bawling his eyes out.

After everything that happened with Hobi, Taemin truly believed in a future with Jimin and him. But that was easily broken in one night. And Taemin hadn't felt this stupid in so long. Everyone started encouraging him to open up and trust people more. What they didn't understand was that person would only leave him hurt.

And this was no exception.

Days staggered by like a clock stuck in slime. Jimin had tried apologizing to Taemin but whenever he saw him, Taemin would just turn around and go the other way. So speaking to him face to face was difficult. Instead, Jimin sent him flowers with little sweet messages attached. Chocolates with small quotes and he even sent a bottle of honey, once. Anything in hopes of persuading the boy.

But everything was eventually thrown into the trash.

This carried on for two months and Jimin refused to feel defeated and give up while Taemin remained unwavered. The others were able to tell the drastic change between the two. It was Yeji who first pointed it out during a shift at the club. They all believed that Taemin and Jimin must've had an argument and decided to not question it and let them sort it out on their own.

Jiwoo on the other hand was able to notice other things. Such as Jimin's now irregular eating habits, the way he skipped meals more often and stayed in the dance practice room until he wore himself down. She was worried and became scared that she may lose him again. The symptoms of his eating disorder was as bright as day.

It was closing time for the strip club when Jiwoo threw her bartender apron aside, carelessly and stalked behind Taemin who headed to the exit. She caught his arm and pulled him inside.

“What happened between you and Jimin? Don't act as if we haven't been able to tell.” Jiwoo stated, her lips going into a thin line.

For a moment it looked as if Taemin was about to tell her. His mouth ajar and his eyes sparked with something only for it to go dark. He shook his head and pulled his arm out of her grip.

“Nothing happened,” He said, turning to leave once more. “Nothing.”

The muscle I'm Jiwoo's jaw twitched, she knew better than to believe that petty excuse. So turning around on her heels, she made her way to the changing room where she saw Jimin just enter. She pushed out the door and stormed inside.

“What in the world is going on with you and Taemin— Jimin!” With fast steps, Jiwoo was next to Jimin's body on the ground. “Jimin, wake up!”

Panic had seeped into the depths of Jiwoo's bones as she screamed out for Hwasa and Namjoon for help. Holding the now frail boy, in her arms. The couple had ran in two minutes later, rushing Jimin to the hospital. Once they admitted him and waited outside, Jiwoo felt her blood boiling.

She had saw the signs before anyone and didn't act sooner. The thought of Taemin flashed across her mind and she made a vow to get to the bottom of this.

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now