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In the palm of his hand, Jimin held a blue velvet box. A beautiful pearl ring was delicately situated inside and Jimin's eyed sparkled at it. He was going to do it, he was finally going to propose and ask her to move in with him.

Some people may doubt and judge his decision, saying that he was too young to make such a commitment but all those comments didn't bother him. For he knew that all the time his girlfriend and he had spent together during highschool, for all the hardships they went through and still stayed together. It was bound to happen in the future, right?

Him and her, they were destined for each other.

And now that they were preparing for college, Jimin knew that it was the right time to do it. The blaring sound of his ringtone echoed through his car, bringing him out if his thoughts. Jimin swiped across it, without a second thought. Placing the slick screen against his earlobe.

"Hello?" He answered, still smiling fondly at the ring.

"Hey Jimin," Jiwoo's voice sounded from the other end.

"Oh hey, what's up?" Jimin questioned his best friend, flipping close the ring case and slipping it into his pocket.

"Oh nothing, I was just calling to tell you that tomorrow's your last and final day to accept that college in America." She reminded him, her voice laced with concern. She knew how much Jimin spoke of that college in middle school, it was his dream to be able to get accepted in it.

"You know I've already made my decision," Jimin sighed, smiling softly to himself. "I'm not accepting it, I'm going to enter the one in Seoul. So that way Somin and I won't have to struggle with a distant relationship. I want to be with her."

"I know, Jimin," Jiwoo sighed on the other end. "I just wanted to tell you."

Jimin smiled to himself, sadly. He knew that Jiwoo was going to America, unlike him and it's gonna be a long time until he'll be able to see her. "Say, Jiwoo?"


"How about we hang out together, tomorrow?" Jimin suggested. "Before your flight, of course."

"Hell yeah," Jiwoo cheered on the other end and Jimin could instantly feel the amount of hyper energy radiate off of her. "You better not be late bitch, otherwise I'll burn your stuff."

"How dare you suggest such a thing!" Jimin gasped dramatically with one hand against his chest. "And to think I was gonna allow you to have sugar!"

"Bleh! I gotta go and start packing now," Jiwoo explained, sighing at the mere thought of it. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yep, see ya."

Once the line goes silent, Jimin places his phone down and starts the engine of his car. He sat in for a few second, contemplating whether or not he should surprise her. A smile curled up his lips are the thought of surprising her and he began to drive off to her house.

Pulling into her driveway, Jimin jumped out of his car and was about to run straight to her front door when his eyes got distracted by a black car parked next to his. He narrowed his eyes at it, staying rooted in his place.

He doesn't remember Somin having any friends or family members who owns such a specific car. Something in him twisted and jimin tried his best to push it away. He fished out his phone, hitting a speed dial button where he had Somin's contact saved onto.

After the third ring, she picks up. Her sweet voice entering through the speaker. "Jimin, babe?"

"Somin," Jimin's free hand dug into his pocket and clutched itself around the velvet box. "I have some news to tell you, could you meet me at the nearby cafe? I'm already on my way."

"Oh," Somin's voice came out rasped. "I'm really tired Jimin. I just got off school and I still have to do my part time job in a few minutes, can't I just meet you later?"

Her rejection stung him a bit. "It's no problem, I'll see you later. Love you."

He cut the call without waiting for a response, his eyes still glued onto the car next to his own. Jimin opened the passenger seat of his car, rummaging through the car door's pocket until his fingers managed to clasp around the cold metal.

He stood back up, evading hitting his head on the top of the car and shut the door quietly. With Somin's spare keys in his hand, Jimin makes his way up and into her house as quietly as possible.

As he passed the kitchen area, Jimin could make out muffled voices. He wasn't able to hear exactly what was being spoken but he knew for a fact that there were two people. And one of them sounded so much like Somin that made him chant over and over in his house, to prove him wrong.

Pushing open the door of her bedroom, Jimin's gasps lightly at the sight of two naked bodies that were intertwined together on the softness of her sheets. Their moans bouncing off the walls and ricocheted to his direction, ten times louder. They hadn't even noticed him standing there, that's how oblivious they were of their surroundings.

He pressed his lips into a thin, not able to believe the scene in front of him. Closing his eyes, Jimin allowed a rumble of laughter coarse through his body and spill from his plump lips.

Almost immediately, the lovers on the bed separated from each other. Somin who's head was stuffed into the white pillows, had now lifted herself up and stared at the laughing Jimin with wide eyes.

"J-jimin, shit," She tried getting up, getting herself tangled with the sheets. "Baby, let me explain. It's not what you thi-"

Jimin holds up his hand, silencing her with a stiff glare. "Save your excuses, Somin. And to think that we had something special- I guess that was just me."

Somin managed to get out of the bed, wrapping the sheets around her body as she stumbled to her boyfriend. The guy she was with before was at the corner of the bed, watching everything unfold.

Somin grabbed Jimin's wrist, afraid to let him go as she locked eyes with his cold ones. "Please, let's just talk. I-I can explain everything!"

He ripped his hand away from her grasp, another wave of laughter tool over him as he couldn't believe this was happening. "I can't make a wife out of a hoe."

Turning his attention to the boy on the bed, Jimin pulled out the velvet blue box and threw it along with her house keys at him. "She's all yours, man."

As Jimin turned to leave, Somin remained glued in her spot. Her body refusing to move and go after him and at that point Jimin didn't even care. For he was more angry than sad, so angry that he felt he was seeing red amongst the years that blurred his vision a bit.

As he made his way to his car, the black one next to his made him even more infuriated. Grabbing a large rock nearby, he swung it at the dude's car. Shattering the glass and causing a dent but he didn't stop there.

He kept on going, grabbing what he could and breaking the black SUV.

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now