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Halfway through the first day of college and so far, Jimin would admit that everything has been going smoothly. Ignoring the fact that they were nearly late for orientation, but other than that, the day was going well.

Jimin spots Lisa and the rest of the gang on the campus field, sitting on the outside bench and table, during lunch. Once she spotted them, Lisa waved her hand in their direction. Ushering the the two to join in. Jiwoo and Jimin made their way towards them, Jiwoo slipping into the free seat next to Yeji while Jimin sat by Kai.

"So how's classes going, Jimin?" Kai questioned, starting up small talk like the rest of them.

Jimin smiled brightly and his eyes twinkled in delight. "Fantastic! Do you know the scent of fresh ink on paper? I've been waiting for so long and now we've finally started!"

"Woah," Kai and Taeyong said at the same time, exchanging glances with each other before looking at Jimin. They said in perfect synchronisation. "You're a total nerd."

Jiwoo laughed out loud and slapped the wooden bench with the palm of her hand. "Oh trust me, if you think that's nerdy then you haven't seen the real thing. Wait until exams begin nearing."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I need to get good grades-"

"No," Lisa cut him off, joining the conversation. "You don't study for good grades, you study because it's like a hobby to you."

"As usual, ever since we were young." Jiwoo agreed with Lisa, with a shake of her head.

"You know," Yeji spoke up and turned to Jiwoo, besides her. "A lot of the campus kids come to the club but no one knows it's us because of the masks we all wear."

Jimin's ears curiously perked up. "I have always seen and known strip clubs, where the strippers don't wear masks. Most of them even forbids to let them wear masks. So this is quite the difference."

"Well, that's because Namjoon wants to protect us and makes us use it," Kai responded. "If people only knew of our identities, what we do and such then we won't be able to live a normal life outside the club."

Ryujin popped her head forward, glancing at Jimin. "And just as Yeji said before, a lot of the campus kids come to club. So imagine if they knew what we did, they wouldn't stop bugging us."

Jimin nodded, seeing her point. "You're right, Namjoon Hyung is too kind."

Jiwoo gulped down the huge bite of her burger that she had taken and glanced around the table, observing how the girls and guys were so close and friendly with each other.

"Did you all meet at the club and became friends?" Jiwoo inquired, innocently.

"Actually," Taeyong was the one that replied. "We all have friends since middle school and always hung out together. Well except Taemin, we met in highschool."

"And me," Lisa butted in, throwing a ketchup stained napkin at Taeyong's face to which he wailed his hands out to deflect. "But unlike me who had became close friends with them- Taemin was always busy and hardly had any time to hang out with us outside of the club."

"Ah, I see." Jimin murmured to himself, getting lost in his thoughts about the boy, once again.

"Well, then I guess it's an honour that you've welcomed us into your Scooby-Doo gang." Jiwoo said jokingly.

"The only difference is that we don't have a van to travel around, together," Jennie pointed out before turning to glance at Kai. "Unless someone doesn't mind stealing his father's van so we could spray paint and use it...?"

Kai's eyes bulged from their sockets and he nearly choke with the Sprite that he was drinking. "N-no we cannot, unless you all want to be buried six feet under the ground covered with concrete."

Everyone began to laugh at his fearful expression before slowly agreeing that they probably shouldn't, for Kai's father was a scary man.


Jimin's airpods blasted music in his ears as he took a slow stroll down the hallway, having no classes left for the day he had decided to go and wait for Jiwoo to finish hers. But it seemed god wanted his scroll to be quite eventful and cure him of his boredom.

He saw Taemin pissed off expression from the distance coming straight at him, only to missed seeing the shorter and bumping right into his shoulder. Jimin was about to say something but Taemin had merely rolled his eyes and walked around Jimin.

Ignoring that he had bumped into him and ignoring his existence as a whole. But Jimin wasn't gonna let the opportunity go and twirled around on his heels.

"Magic Hands!" Jimin hollered at Taemin's back, using the boy's stripper stage name that he had heard from Ryujin. "We really should stop meeting like this."

Taemin's body had stiffened when Jimin called at him and he stood a few feet away from the boy, rooted in his spot as his blood began to boil. He shot Jimin a glare from above his shoulder.

"Don't call me that." He hisses out at Jimin in a threateningly manner.

Jimin merely shrugs, unfazed by the boy's attempt. "You can't really blame me, you've never told me your name."

"That's because we're not friends," Taemin said, taking fast strides towards him before stopping in front of him. "Don't talk to me, you newbie. Just do your job and leave. I have nothing to do with you."

He turns around once again, readying to leave but not until he got the last sentence. "Don't you dare try to expose anyone's identity nor will you try to hurt them."

And like that, Taemin walked away leaving a scoffing Jimin. Jiwoo slowly came up behind him, she had just finished her class and had seen the two's exchange but wasn't able to hear what they spoke.

"What was that about?" She asked him curiously, surprising the boy who hadn't had a clue about her presence.

"It's nothing," Jimin shook his head and walked in the opposite direction of Taemin. "Let's go grab some food."

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now