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Taemin was busy walking through the halls of the building, his mind going back to the fight in the courtyard that happened a few days ago. He had never seen Jimin that angry, even when they argued in the locker room of the club.

Taemin didn't hear the whole story what happened but it definitely had to do with Hoshi rejecting Jimin who had auditioned for the dance program. Taemin sighed, why in the heavens name did he even reject Jimin? From everything he had seen, the boy was simply magnificent.

Taemin had neared the college's dance studio, where music was being emitted from. Believing that it was Hoshi, as usual, Taemin pushed open the door and entered with a glare. He halted in his actions, noticing a body near the mirrors with their back turned to him.

Dropping his bag to the floor, Taemin rushed to the strangers side and moved their body onto their back. Coming face to face with a pale and unconscious Jimin. He fished out his phone and dialled the emergency number, panic taking over himself.


Taemin was nervously nibbling at his bottom lips as he waited outside Jimin's assigned ward, the doctor having just gone inside so he was yet to be informed about Jimin's condition.

Sitting down on one of the chairs, Taemin ran a hand through his hair and sighed. What could've happened that made Jimin fall unconscious? Because he clearly wasn't sleeping. At the sound of the doctor leaving, Taemin shot up to his feet and awaited for the results.

The doctor gave him a small smile. "It's nothing too serious, it seems that the boy had collapsed because he had been in taking very little food for the past week, resulting in exhaustion, no nutrients and dehydration. He'll be up in a few minutes or so and will need to stay at the hospital for a day or two."

"I see," Taemin nodded. "Thank you, can I go inside?"

The doctor nodded and began walking away, earning Taemin to rush into Jimin's room. There he found a sleeping Jimin under the covers who was yet to awaken. Taking quiet steps, Taemin made his way near the bed and sat down on the guest stool.

He stared down at the boy, running his eyes all over Jimin's face and for once really looking at him and admiring his facial features. Taemin began to bite at his bottom lip again in nervousness. Finally realising that being rejected and the fight from before has really taken a toll on the boy.


The said boy's eyes shot up to meet Jimin's and he hesitantly nodded his head. "Yeah, it's me. I found you in the school's studio."

"Oh." Was all that came out from Jimin before shifting his head to view the ceiling.

Taemin awkwardly looked around. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Jimin bluntly replied, closing his eyes to rest for a bit and hoping that Taemin would get the idea and leave.

Realising what Jimin was doing, it caused Taemin to sigh to himself. Shoulder's slumping itself downwards, Taemin fiddled with his fingers.

"Look Jimin, I," Taemin began, unable to look away from his hands and at Jimin. "I am sorry for how my brother behaved and honestly I wouldn't even mind to help you to get back at him, if you'd let me and maybe even get you into the dance program."

Jimin shook his head. "I'm not interested in the dance program, anymore. I couldn't care less for not being accepted into a dance program filled with arrogant and selfish people. But I'll take up your offer on getting back at Hoshi and them."

Taemin found himself grinning widely at Jimin which had perked up the ill boy's interest. Pushing himself into a sitting position, Jimin stared at Taemin who curiously looked right back at him.

"You're awfully friendly to me, now," Jimin stated the obvious with a confused frown. "Why did you behave so mean to me to me when I first got here?"

Taemin grimaced at Jimin's straightforward question and rubbed the back of his head. "You see, I wanted to test you and see if you would probably leave the crew and I hate everyone else who had done so. They're like my family and I don't want to see them hurt again."

"What changed your mind?"

"You asks a lot of questions," Taemin began to whine, only to stop when Jimin didn't crack his serious expression to one of laughter. "When you stood up for the group and yourself. I realised that you weren't a pushover and had become a true friend of them."

Jimin finally broke out a sad smile. "I can never hurt them. Because just like you, they became my family in a matter of days after meeting them."

Taemin returned Jimin's sweet smile.

"And we could've became close friends too if you weren't being such an asshole."

Placing a hand over his heart, Taemin pretended as if he had been shot. "Oh wow. Rubbing salt in my wounds, already, I see. I apologize! For everything I did and said, I hope we can become good friends."

Giving the boy his brightest smile, Jimin laid back down on the bed. "I'd like that."

How To Park A Lee (Park Jimin X Lee Taemin) [✓]Where stories live. Discover now