Chapter 19

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I decide to walk to the theatre today before Daveed woke up, I took the time to pack a backpack with some clothes, a blanket, my laptop and other essentials. I would rather sleep outside then go back to his house. Walking up to the theatre doors I remember what it was like when I first started helping Lin on the play, it was so simple. So safe. I open the door to the theatre hoping someone would already be here to fill the silence but I'm greeted by a huge empty room, I perch on the edge of the stage swinging my legs back and forth waiting for someone. After a few minutes, the sound of tires scraping across gravel followed by talking echoes across the room. "All I'm saying is that she's not safe with him did you see th-" Lin stops his sentence after noticing me on the stage. "Your here early" I laugh at is statement jumping of the stage. "Where's Daveed ?" 

"Oh he's still sleeping at home I got bored so I walked here" Lin turns to Pippa as if he proved a point. Lin whispered something to her and walked away towards his dressing room Pippa turned to me and started a conversation. 

"you okay honey" Pippa's voice was so warm and southing, she sounded like she really cared about me. 

"Yeah" I darted my eyes around the room holding the mark left on my wrist, I was wearing a long-sleeved jumper over my t-shirt so she wouldn't be able to see it but I wanted to make sure. 

"How are things with you and Dav, you've already moved in with him haven't you ?" It was clear she thought it was weird but I decided to go along with it. 

"Oh yeah it's great he's amazing" her smiles slowly fades. Does she know I'm lying ? My heart rate quickens and I start panicking. "I need to go to the restroom" I flash her a smile and race to the toilet slamming the door behind me. I start to sweat from nervousness and take off my jumper too cool off. I lean against the wall for a bit taking deep breaths to calm myself down the door swings open as Lin walks in. 

"You okay YN" I look over to the door and smile at Lin relieved that it wasn't Daveed. 

"yeah just cleaning myself up" Lin looks at the marks on my wrist and the brown bruise on my other arm. Realizing I only have my top on I put the jumper on, Lin takes a deep breath and looks me deep into my eyes. 

"you want to come home with us ?" tears well up in my eyes as I nod Lin calls Pippa to come over. Pippa pulls me into a warm hug I take a deep breath apricating the warmth Pippa gave me. We both walk to the car that Lin has already started and we start driving home. "Babe can you text the group chat to say the practice is cancelled" Without hesitation, Pippa pulls out her phone and sends the message. We drive to the house in silence. We walk into the house and I felt at ease, its and calming to be here again. "you want some help to set up your bed" 

"if that's okay" Lin and I walk into my room and start to put sheets on the bed. "did he make those marks" silence filled the air as I debated what to say. 

"yes" he looks up at me in despair.

"I'm sorry" he throws me the corner of the sheet to lay down the covers. "I shouldn't let you go with him" 

"its not your fault Lin and anyway I don't have to go back now" we both sit on the bed in silence wondering what to do. The last time I was here we were close in many ways, nothing could separate us almost like a magnetic pull, the energy is still their but were not acting on it. Lin shuffles on the bed and turns towards me. I do the same and we move into a hug I lean my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. We stay there for a bit and he kisses the top of my head. "I love you," I say slowly drifting off to sleep. 

AN hi guys! I really appreciate everyone reading this! were almost finished jeez! how would you guys want the relationship to go forward? Ive planned up to the next couple of chapters but I want to continue the story further. anyway, I want to know what everyone would like to see if Lin and YN end up together or YN leaves on her own or even Lin Pippa and YN any ideas you guys have. It doesn't matter how crazy it is I would love to know okay bye.                   

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