Chapter 13

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I wake up late today since we don't have any practice, so today I'm going to have a chill day. Watch tv hang out with Pippa and Lin (even though I still find it a bit weird) I don't want to think about anything that can stress me out. I start the day off with going into the living room.

"Good morning," I say walking into Pippa and Lin both sitting next to each other on the sofa. 

"Morning YN," Pippa said with a smile as always, "Lin is being quiet, he's nervous" I walk over to the fridge to pour myself a drink.

"How come," I say confused Lin hasn't talked about it and he usually does when something is on his mind.

"Its because the show is starting tomorrow," Lin said almost disappointed that I didn't catch on. 

"Well take today to have a break, do whatever you want" I take a sip of my drink. 

"I would but I don't think Pippa would approve" I swallow my drink quickly to stop myself from spitting it out, what did he just say. I look to the floor so Pippa or Lin couldn't see my reaction. when I look back up Lin has a smile on his face and Pippa hits him. Well, I guess she knows what he's on about. I set down my drink and walk towards the bathroom. 

"I'm going to have a shower, is that okay"

"Yeah, of course, you don't have to ask you know this is your house too" I smile at Pippa and walk into my room to get my clothes. I pick out the top Daveed gave me since it still smelt like him and a pair of comfy shorts. I head to the bathroom and put on some music and hop in the shower. I wrap my head in a towel to dry my hair as I walk out I bump straight into Lin he grabs me from falling over. 

"I need to talk to you about tomorrow" I gather myself from falling into Lin and stand up, ugh I don't want to think about it but ill talk to him if it makes him feel better. I follow him to his office and we start to talk. "what are you wearing?" Lin says looking at my top. 

"a top?" I say completely confused at his weird question. 

"whos is it?" Lin moves his eyes on mine.

"oh, its Daveed's he gave it to me when I spent the night at his" I remain eye contact with him as his eyebrows furrow.

"wait there," he says storming out of the office. He comes back with one of his t-shirts "here" he says handing me a fls top. 

"Really what's wrong with this one, I like the warriors," I say trying to tease Lin, why does he hate Daveed so much. He pushes his hand closer to me and I give in. I grab the top and head to my room to get changed. Returning to Lin he smiles and closes the door behind me. "why don't you like Daveed" I say curious as to what he would say. 

"you know why" yeah it was obvious but I wanted to hear him say it I shake my head, acting dumb. He walks towards me and puts his mouth beside my ear. "because your mine" his voice made my ear burn I gulp and change the conversation. 

"so what did you want to talk about," I say staying where I was. Lin moved his head down to my neck, feeling his breath made me go crazy. I stepped away forcing Lin to look up at me, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He was surprised at first but quickly started to enjoy it. I pushed him into his chair and dropped to my knees before him, his face was full of lust. He was ready for me, I was ready for him. I ran my hand up his legs stopping halfway up teasing him, he dropped his head back in response and rolled his eyes back. 

"Lin can I come in" shit I stood up and took a step back, Lin moved his chair under his desk so his bulge didn't show. wow did I do that? 

"Yeah come in" a small smile spread across my face looking at Lin. "what's wrong honey" Lin's eyes darted my way and looked at my expression then went back to Pippa's 

"did you guys want drinks," she asks completely oblivious to what just happened.

"No, we're good thank" Pippa turned and closed the door behind her. I look over at Lin to see what he would say and he smirk's at me. "I wasn't expecting you to do that" he looks me up and down. 

"you liked it though," I say winking at him. He shook his head and laughed. "what did you want to talk about then" 

"oh yeah I forgot about that" Lin slides his chair back out, I look down at him and my eyes widen "hey my eyes are up here". I dart my eyes back up at Lin and he starts to talk about tomorrow. "so do you want to be backstage or in the audience, I could use your help if anything happens" 

"ill watch since ill only distract you, can I bring Tom" Geez I haven't talked to Tom in ages I need to catch him up on everything. Lin agrees and we continue to talk. 

"I think that's it then" I go to leave his office but he stops me. "YN" 


"I love you"

"I love you too" I leave and put on some trousers to head to the coffee shop, its not a long walk from Lin's house. I walk up to the door and see Tom behind the counter as usual "hi Tom" I say with a massive smile. He looks up at me surprised.

"Hi, stranger" he walks out from behind the counter and pulls me into a massive hug. "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too Tom, I've got a lot to tell you" 

"I bet you do" he walks up to the door and flips the open sign and we sit at a table in the back. I update him on everything about Lin, Pippa and Daveed, hoping he doesn't hate me after. 

"do you still like me," I say warily to him? He moves his head to the side and processes everything. 

"and Lin has said he loves you"

"yes ..."

"and you have said it back" 

"yes ..." he goes silent again and thinks about things. 

"Why did you get with Daveed"

"at the time I got with him I didn't think Lin actually liked me so I thought I could stop seeing him, then I got to know Daveed and really liked him, ugh I'm such a bad person aren't i" 

"no your not I'm still here for you"

"to change the mood the play is starting tomorrow" Tom leaned forward in his chair. 

"are you nervous" 

"a little bit ill be okay if you're there with me" I pull out the two tickets that Lin just gave me to surprise him. He jumps up from his seat and hugs me again. "right I need to go its getting late" 

"Okay fine, what time should I meet you tomorrow" 

"I'm not completely sure but ill text you when to get ready" 


"oh wait before I go can I steal some coffee and doughnuts for Lin and Pippa" I make the coffee and grab three random doughnuts "Thanks Tom ill see you tomorrow"

"see you then" I walk back to the house and knock the door. Lin opens the door and his face lights up. 

"I brought coffee and doughnuts" I give them out, Pippa takes a bite of her doughnut and jam spills out of the sides we both laugh and I hand her a napkin. I turn to Lin as he takes a sip of his coffee. 

"ugh this is soo good" we all eat finish up eating and I get a text from Daveed. 

Daveed: Are you coming in tomorrow?

Me: Yeah I think ill to come in the morning then watch you guys from the audience 

Daveed: Okay good see you in the morning love you 

Me: Love you too

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