Chapter 7

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"Who is ringing me," I say catching my phone from vibrating off the table I answered it.

"babe where are you," a man says over the phone I'm not quite sure who since I just woke up, my mind's a bit foggy 

"who is this" why would someone be calling me babe, last time I checked I don't have a boyfriend, ugh I hate thinking about that. 

"Its Lin silly, I told you to be here for today" 

"Lin why are you calling me that you have a wife!" I quickly snap out of my sleepy state to try to get ready, I completely forgot I needed to wake up for today. I pull on some black leggings and fall over myself trying to fumble around to get dressed. 

"you're getting dressed aren't you" I could practically hear the smirk on his face "right I'm coming to pick you up" 

"No don't it's fine I'm on my now" that's a lie I just managed to pull my shirt on I don't want to spend more time than needed with Lin since things always seem to escalate when were alone, I can't do that to Pippa she's so nice and sweet and doesn't deserve this. But that's easier said than done. I hang up the phone and run to the tube station.

I get to the theatre late see everyone in their costumes, for a second I thought I was in a dream "you guys look cool" I say walking in, everyone is standing on the stage and turns to me  "sorry I'm late" I try to relieve the tension but it doesn't seem to be working. 

"YN my room now" Lin commands me, what? he was fine to me on the phone a bit too fine. what's with the attitude. I follow him into his dressing room and he shuts the door behind him. 

"look I'm sorry I'm late i-" Lin pulled me into a kiss before I could finish my sentence. I start to melt into his arms put pull away. "wtf was that Lin you can't just do that" 

"yes I can" he whispers leaning over me to open the door "come on we need to start you've wasted enough time already" I walk out of the room in front of him and go up on the stage, Lin follows me and we begin to set out the start of the play. 

A few minutes pass and we have a water break. Daveed and Oak are sitting at the table talking to each other but I see Daveed's eyes flicker over my way we look at each other for a bit like yesterday and Oak turns around to see who he is staring at I smile when he sees me looking back. Just then both of them start walking over and I internally panic. Before I could overthink things they were sitting opposite me. 

"hey YN," oak says while sitting down, I smile back at him since I have no clue what to say. "look I know you and Daveed keep making googly eyes at each other so you may as well talk to him so I dragged him over here" as he said that Daveed punched his arm 

"he did not drag me I suggested we come over here to see the pretty lady" he turned to Oak and gave him an angry face, with that oak left which left me and Daveed and I by ourselves. "you have a boyfriend YN," Daveed says searching my eyes for and answer 

"Uh no ... I don't" it's not a lie me and Lin are well... complicated we smile at each other and continue having a conversation. we talk about what I'm studying and uni and his music career, it's nice to have a conversation with someone who seems genuinely interested in me. the conversation finishes with me giving him my number. 

"it's nice talking to you YN" we hug and I turn around to see Jazzy, Pippa, and Renee with huge smiles on their faces. I walk up to them and they start to squeal with happiness. 

"it's nice talking to you YN," Jazz says mimicking Daveed's deep voice I roll my eyes. "OMG we could have a double date, me and Anthony and you and Daveed" 

"You guys are crazy we talked for like 2 minutes, it's not a big deal" 

"2 minutes you were at it for 20," Renee said with a smile on her face 

"what's with all the screaming" Lin said walking over ready to start up the practice again. Pippa grabbed his arm and pulled him into a kiss. my stomach dropped at the sight I felt like crying, God why does he make me feel like this. 

"Daveed and YN are practically together," Jazzy said still smiling in her yellow dress. she looks like a little ball of sunshine. 

"oh are they now" I look up at Lin and he sees my reaction to them kissing and tilts his head slightly I quickly wipe the look off of my face and deny what they're saying. 

"We talked for a few minutes, they're overreacting". Lin laughs and walks away. We start rehearsals again. 

We practice all day so we all start leaving. I walk outside and groan because its freezing and really dark but I start walking towards the tube station. 

"YN!" Lin shouts my name I turn around and see him running up to me "you're not walking home in this" he says looking at me sympathetically. 

"ill be fine" I start to turn around when he grabs my arm

"no, you won't were giving you a lift" we walk over to his car and Pippa is already in their 

"thank you guys so much for this you don't have to". They start to drive and I give them directions to where I live, we drive for a while and talk about random stuff for a bit but eventually, we get there. "this is it thank you I can walk up the street from here"

"ill walk you to the door" Lin gets out of the car before I could object we walk up the street and Lin begins to talk "I saw your reaction to me and Pippa today" I know exactly what he was talking about but decided to act dumb instead 

"what do you mean?" were outside the door so I stop walking and turn to look at him 

"you know exactly what I mean," he says lifting my chin to look up at him, I move my head out of his hand and look away. "I think it's cute, you want me don't you," he says lifting my head back up.

"what do you think Lin, we cant do this you have a wife this is wrong ... really wrong we can't do this to Pippa" Lin sighs in defeat. I open the door, "see you tomorrow Lin" I smile and head up to my dorm to go to sleep.                                            

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