Chapter 14

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We're already at the theatre finishing everything to make the performance run smoothly, everyone is a bit tense from the pressure but were all doing our best. Lin is running around the theatre like a headless chicken so I pull him into a room to calm him down.

"Lin stop, look at me" He looks me deep into my eyes concentrating on me but still on edge. "you need to stop worrying okay we have done everything we can possibly do" His eyes trail off of me to people moving things in the background. I put my hand in his and his eyes snap back. "you have got this okay" a weak smile spreads across his face and he mouths.

"I love you" I return the statement and he walks to the stage and gathers everyone. "right everyone in exactly four hours we will be performing on this stage" everyone starts to clap and cheer in celebration. "can everyone go to their dressing rooms and check all their costumes then we can go from their" everyone begins to walk to their dressing room and I spot Daveed I walk up to him to see how he's doing.

"you doing okay babe" he turns around his expression turns from worried to relieved. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper to him "you're going to be amazing" He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist to lift me up.

I walk towards the door to meet up with Tom before I could someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I spin around to see Lin.

"no goodbye for me?" I smile at his jealousy and pull him into a hug. As I pull away Lin still lingers. He grabs my waist and kisses me deeply.

"Lin stop you can't do that" he wipes his lips and looks at his hand "I don't have any lipstick on don't worry" looking back up at me his eyes were full of lust. "okay good luck I need to go meet Tom now"

"see you later" I leave the theatre and pull out my phone and text Tom to meet me at Lin's place. as I walked up to the door Tom is already waiting for me in a suit and tie. 

"you look fancy," I say unlocking the door. 

"what can I say its an important occasion" we walk into the house and head straight to my bedroom to decide what to wear. I open my closet and start to survey my clothes.

"Right we have got 3 hours to decide on an outfit" Tom groans and plops himself on my bed. I start by getting out the three dresses I have. "I'm not sure if I like any of these," I say laying them on the bed.

"oh I like that one," Tom said pointing at a red lace dress. I hang it on the door as an option, I put the rest back.

"geez I have loads of blazers" I dump all of them on the bed. "pick out the ones you like the most" we both start picking out ones we like and manage to sort it down to two. "I quite like this grey one" Tom agrees and I find the trousers that match them. 

"We have an hour left to decide," Tom says looking at his watch. "the grey is boring I think you should wear the dress" 

"I know but I hate wearing dresses" Tom looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "okay fine" I walk into the bathroom and get dressed. I walk out and show off the dress. 

"you look good" 

"Thank yooooou"

"you ready to go my lady" we walk out to his car and drive to the theatre. 

"I feel sick," I say sitting down in my seat.

"these are good seats" were sitting in the middle we were front and centre to see all the action. Tom and I talk for a bit before the show starts then Johnathan's voice appears "shhhhhh" Tom exclaims as Leslie walks onto the stage followed by Anthony. Daveed is next I think to myself I hope he's okay he seemed a bit off this morning. He walks on and my heart fills with joy. I sit up in my seat and he looks around in the audience and catches me, his shoulders seem to drop. Okay so far so good now Lin needs to make his entrance. 

"what's your name man!"  my heart starts to beat out of my chest 

"Alexander Hamilton" I look at Lin with awe like everyone here and I get drawn into him, we look at each other as he says the next line.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton" his eyes snap away from mine and look around the room, I look over at Tom to see a massive smile across his face 

"and theirs a million thing I haven't done" I look back at him "Just you wait, just you wait" The play continued and I calm myself down. Where about an hour into the play and the non-stop music starts, I turn to Tom and he still has a massive smile on his face. He turns to me.

"This is amazing," he says. I mimic his smile and turn back to Lin singing. 

"practice the law practically perfected it" as he sings Lin flicks his blazer behind him. That's new I  thought to myself I laugh and continue to watch. The intermission comes around pretty quickly and the Audience erupts in cheers and screams. Both Tom and I jump out of our seats and we hug.

" that was amazing YN" as he said that a runner from backstage taps me on the shoulder. 

"We need you backstage" my heart drops, what could be going on. we walk through the door that leads to the dressing rooms and I see Daveed, I run up to him and jump into his arms. 

"you were amazing" he hugs me back 

"That felt amazing" he pulled and away and looked me up and down "dam you look good" 

"go change," I say laughing at his reaction Daveed groans and walks to his Lin's dressing room. I turn to the runner that came for me. "why did you need me" I follow him into a room with Lin and Pippa. "what's up guys" Lin was on the sofa with his head in his hands and Pippa was hugging him. 

"ill give you two some time" Pippa leaves leaving us alone. I walk over to Lin and sit next to him.

"what's wrong" Lin lifts his head up to reveal his red eyes. "uh hu your not allowed to be upset" I taking a knee in front of him. "you were amazing out their Lin why are yo upset" I studied his face making him smile. 

"I just messed up soo much and I wanted it to be perfect" 

"Lin, no one is perfect okay, you looked fine no you looked amazing" I stood up and he stands up next to me. 

"I thought you didn't like dresses" 

"I don't but I thought id try to look good today" Lin's eyes seemed to clear up as he surveys me. 

"you don't need to try" he moved closer and started to kiss my neck. 

"no you need to get ready" I take a step back and push him towards the door, he stops just before opening it. 

"I love you"

"I love you too" I walk him to his dressing room as Daveed walks in just in front of us "make sure he doesn't say anything else stupid Dav," I say walking back to the audience.

"wait before you go" Daveed turns me around and pulls me into a kiss, I smile against his Lips and walk back to my seat. 

"what happened" Tom whispered. 

"oh, nothing someone need help with something" as I say that the light to the stage turn on and everyone starts to sing. 

AN: Hey guys sorry I haven't updated this in a bit I've been a little caught up in other projects. Also some crazy news Daveed Liked my tweet!!!!!! talking about Daveed how does everyone feel about him? do you think he will find out about YN and Lin of so how? I would love to know !!!!!!!                  

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