Chapter 22

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I've been staying in Tom's spare room for a while now looking for a job. "found any yet" Tom asks while handing me some coffee. 

"Ohh this is nice, no I haven't yet most of them look really sketchy" I'm looking for a journalist role or mostly anything to help with Toms rent, He always says it 'fine' and I'm being 'ridiculous' but I feel bad so I'm trying my best to help. "I have found one though but I'm not completely sure about it". Tom sits up straight in his chair. 

"Tell me about it !!!" 

"its a journalist job at that news station downtown"

"sounds good, was it the one you interviewed at with Li- with Hamilton" I haven't spoken to Lin since the whole event went down, he's tried to get In touch with me a couple of times but I've decided to block his number.

"Oh yeah it is" 

"So why are you not sure about it" 

"I don't know I just don't think they will accept me"

"well apply anyway it won't hurt you can just keep looking" 

"yeah your right" I enter all of my details to the job application: age, experience, number. Then clicked send. After a few hours of sending the application I get a call from an unknown number, assuming its the news station I answer the phone. "Hello," I say in a tentative voice.

"Hello Is this YN" the voice sounded vaguely familiar but presuming I already met him from the time I went there I continued. 

"yes this is she" 

"oh hi I'm from NY news you applied to a journalist job here" 

"Yes, I did" nerves begin to creep in. 

"Brilliant, we would like to get you into an interview asap, will you be able to make it today?" 

"uh yes of course" 

"Great, can I expect to see you in an hour?"

"yes, sounds perfect" The man hangs up the phone. I chuck the phone on my bed and squeal. "I got a job, I got a job" I sing to myself as Tom knocks the door "come in" I shout with excitement. 

"Did I hear that right" I look over and see a massive smile across planted firmly on his face as I continue to sing. 

"I got a job, I got a job" Tom joins in and starts dancing. 

Sitting on the train I think about how to answer each question but soon stop because I start getting nervous, the train stops at my stop pretty quickly and I begin the walk to the station. While on my way I realise this is where that little girl started to thirst over Lin and laughed to myself. I soon realise how much I miss Him. "Ah, your here" a tall burly man with olive skin and green eyes greets me. I soon realise he was the voice over the phone. He stands up from behind the desk and moves a bit of his dark silky hair out of his face then shakes my hand. "nice to meet you" his hands a big but surprisingly soft. All I could manage was a smile, he smiles back at me flashing me his pearly white teeth. No YN doesn't fall for you boss not again. "follow me" I gulp a follow him to what I assume is an interview room. "please sit" I sit in a big leather armchair across from him. "my name is Uzi" He sits in an identical chair in front of me. Uzi ? like the gun. I thought to myself. "before you say it yes its Uzi like the gun" he cracks a smile revealing his teeth again. 

" YN LN" I shuffle in my seat and we begin the interview. 

"so you seem like a good fit for my team, do you know when you will be able to start" 

"Is tomorrow okay?" 

"yes perfect follow me ill give you your lanyard" We walk back out to the front and he reaches into a draw and grabs a lanyard, he walks up to me and hangs it over my neck. "perfect" He flashes me a wink and I leave. "Tom I got the job" I crash into the apartment making him jump. 

"woohoo" I slump next to him. "Well explain the job to me". 

"So I work with Uzi on creating stories to air on the stations' channel" 

"Uzi ?" 

"yeah he's my boss" I don't realise but a smile spreads across my face 

"Is he attractive?" 

"Yeah I guess but he's not my type plus I'm not going 'date' my boss again" I head to bed and go to sleep early for work tomorrow. Waking up in the morning I have a funny feeling in my stomach. I jolt up out of my bead and head to the bathroom to clean myself up. The feeling in my stomach rises as I throw up in the toilet. I finish getting dressed and presume the sickness was down to my nerves. I leave for work soon after Tom and get to the News station "YN! your here early" "Here follow me" walk to a room with 2 desks opposite from each other "this is our office we can work on projects here" 

"sounds good" I walk to my desk and enter my login details from my lanyard and make up a password. 

"If you check your inbox I've sent you an email on the project were going to work on next week" I navigate through the desktop and find my inbox from Uzi with the brief on the project, I begin to read through and the feeling in my stomach comes up again. 

"Uzi, where are the toilets" He looks up from his computer his green eyes sparkling in the sun 

"uh down the hall" a worried expression flashed across his face as he notices the colour drained from me, I walk to the bathroom calm myself down. Taking deep breaths the feeling seems to subside. As I walk to my office I find Uzi standing by the door looking concerned. "Are you okay you didn't look so good"

"Yeah I'm fine I just got really hot" 

__time skip 1 week__

Most of the week was Uzi showing me around and we briefly went over our first project "Tom the sickness hasn't seemed to pass yet I think I might to the hospital, must be a stomach bug or something" 

"Have you done a test yet?" 

"what do you mean test"

"pregnancy test" 

"oh I didn't think of that" I make my way to the store and pick up a test, I doubt that I'm pregnant but it's better to be safe than sorry. "right, I guess I just pee on it then right"


"oh god I'm so nervous" I take the pregnancy test and lay it on the table waiting for the results. after a few minutes, I got bored and make myself some dinner. I completely forget about it when Tom yells through. 

"hey YN I think you might want to see this" I shoot up from my seat and grab the test from Tom's hand. 




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