Chapter Twenty Four

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Kai's POV

"Coming!" I yelled as I made my way to the door.

I opened the door to find April waiting at the other side, with her usual sweet smile on her face.

"Hey Kai."

"Hey April, you know you don't have to knock you're family you can just walk in." I said and moved to the side to let her in.

"I don't feel comfortable just walking in I rather knock," she said while fidgeting with her hands.

I chuckled, "As you prefer then, is just so you know."

"Right thanks Kai."

I went to sit back in my recliner chair near the glass door of the backyard and grabbed back the book and pencil, "Iliana is not here yet but she should be back soon."

"I know, she told me to wait for her here." April sat on the love seat.

I nodded and looked up at her again, "How's the mini you in there?" I pointed to her belly with the pencil.

"The doctor said they're good and she gave us their first picture, want to see it?" April asked in excitement.

"Sure," I smiled and put my things to the side.

She opened her purse, got the picture out and handed it to me.

I'm not sure what I'm seeing though.

It's all black and white I don't see shit.

"They're beautiful!" I said pretending I know what I saw and returned the picture to my sister-in-law.

"I know!" April exclaimed happily.

"Do you know when you are supposed to start showing and that?" I asked.

"The doctor said within this month I should start to see a bump ... which is not my favorite thing about being pregnant but what can I do."

I nodded.

"I don't understand how you and Alex were so confident about having a child. I know I would be pissing my pants," I mumbled the last part.

"Why, don't you want kids with Iliana?" April questioned with a light frown.

"No!" I responded quickly, "I mean yes! Shit- I do I really really do trust me. It's just the whole prospect of bringing a life into this world and raising and taking care of them kind of freaks me out because I'll probably screw that up."

"I understand where you are coming from, it might not seem like it but I'm scared too, I'm scared because I don't want to fail my kid. I want to give them everything and be there for them and I know Alex does too and I know we will but that doesn't make me any less nervous." She giggled softly, "I think everyone is scared of screwing up at being a parent but you can't let that fear dictate your life. You have to prove it wrong."

"I don't think I can."

April shook her head, "Don't put yourself down Kai, I think you would be a great mom someday."

I chuckled, "Thanks but I doubt it. Have you met the people who raised me?"

"Doesn't mean you're going to be like your parents Kai. In fact I think you would be the opposite, you can be everything you wanted them to be, how they should've been with you. All that you can give it to your kid."

I looked down as I let April's words sink in before nodding.

"Does your parents know about the baby?" I asked changing the subject a bit.

April smiled at that, "Yes they do. Alex and I took a trip to Fresno last week to visit them and tell the news and they were really happy and excited."

"And they didn't complain that you two aren't married or even engaged?"

"Nah, my parents are kind of loving hippies so they don't care about that 'trivial stuff' as long as I'm happy."

"Lucky," I mumbled impressed, "And Alex's parents?"

April's smile flattered a bit before she quickly composed it. "They're not the most cheerful people around."

"Oh I know, let me guess they were not enthusiastic about the news and less of all because you two aren't married and I bet her dad asked her to meet him at his office."

Her hazel eyes widened, "How did you know?"

I laughed, "Because the Deans are the most boring, calculated, cold and predictable people around. Why do you think Alex is like that?"

"Yeah you have a point," she moved her head, "Her mom did tell me that she hoped I wouldn't steal Alex's money and run off which was very ... insulting."

"Ah yes Mrs. Dean always a sweetheart."

"You don't like them either right?" April asked while laughing.

"Nope, they hate me too anyway."

She smiled when she stopped laughing and looked down to my forgotten book. "What were you drawing?"

I grinned and grabbed the book to show her what's inside, "It's not done yet but it's pretty close."

"Jesus Kai it's really good, is it for anything in particular?" She looked from the book to me.

"Yeah actually once I'm done sketching I'll have someone build it. Where exactly I don't know yet."

"What do you mean, are you two planning to move from Los Angeles?"

"It has come up a few times, nothing serious yet but I think Iliana really wants too and honestly I do too."

"I get why you two would want to I don't blame you," she said before glancing back at my sketch. "Any city in mind?"

"I like Colorado and Iliana likes Seattle so we'll see."

April nodded and before she could talk we heard the doorknob of the front door.

"Don't mention the house please, it's a surprise." I said quickly and quietly before closing my sketch book.

She smiled tenderly, "Don't worry Kai my lips are sealed."

Once she said that Iliana walked into the livingroom surprisingly followed shortly by my best friend.

"Blondie!" I exclaimed and got up to greet my beautiful wife with a kiss.

"Missed me?" She smiled smugly.

"Like hell." I responded making her chuckle.

Iliana was gone all morning because since she was back at work it meant her meetings were back, which bummed me. Whoever I'm joining her next week for the first time in the office since I'm the co-owner along with her.

I turned to my best friend, "Baby momma."

Alex flipped me off while staring lovingly at her girlfriend.

"Alex was just parking outside when I got here," Iliana said before looking at blondie number two. "Aps sorry I took longer than I thought."

"It's fine Lia, Kai was nice company."

"That's hard to believe," Alex mocked.

"Oh fuck off," I retorted.

Iliana and April laughed before the future mom spoke looking at Alex.

"It's weird seeing you and Lia walk in together without killing each other since the last time you chocke-" April couldn't finish as the tall brunette put a hand over her mouth.

"You what!" I yelled.

Alex's eyes widened in fear as she hid behind April.

"Let's just talk first Kai, okay?" Alex said nervously.

I griped my crutch tightly as I glared at my friend.

It's not been even a whole week and I may return to that cell again today.

Luckily though it would not be in my squidward slippers this time.

But we'll see.


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