Chapter Three

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Iliana's POV

I was woken up by the alarm besides the bed. The room was still a bit dark as you could hear the rain pouring hard outside.

When there was this kind of whether it made me not want to get out of bed even more so than usual. Then again I could stay at home if I wanted to - I was the boss after all. But if I did stay home all I would do is mop around and let myself fall into the depressing hole I can't seem to be able to get out of.

Usually I drown myself in work in hopes that it would distract myself from the numbing pain that's been reigning in my heart and life for these past two years.

I sighed and looked at the big window of the room. You couldn't see the outside since the cortines were closed only the small breaches left uncovered by them you could see the glass dripping with water from the rain.

Every day just seems to get harder.

Makes me wonder if it would ever get easier.

I checked the time on my alarm and it read seven in the morning. I better start to get ready for work. With great effort I stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to wash my teeths and take a shower. When I got out I changed into a baby blue button up blouse and black dress pants with heels the usual kind of clothes I wear for work.

Just thinking about all the meetings and paperwork I have to deal with today made my mood sour. Handling a company as big as this is hard - way harder than I thought it would be. At least before everything happened Kai was supposed to help me with it - we were supposed to be a team, so the thought of handling the company wasn't so overwhelming as it is.

Once I was ready I got into my car and drove to my first stop, the coffee shops some blocks before the office. I stepped inside the coffee shop and waited for my turn to order. The place was a bit crowded with people since it's early in the morning and everyone is getting coffee or whatever they take before going in to the office. This is the worst hour to come but I still always come because I can't function without my morning coffee.

My time to order finally came after ten minutes of waiting.

"Goodmorning miss, what would you like to order?" The brunette girl handling the counter asked me.

"I would like a big americano, please."

"That's all?"

"Yes that would be all." I handed her the money and told her to keep the change.

"May I know your name."

I frowned.

"For the coffee, to- to put it on it." She said in rush.


She wrote it on a paper and nodded. "That's a really pretty name and so are you."

I didn't want to assume but the faint blush on the girls cheek confirmed that she might be trying to flirt with me. She's pretty and cute, I'll admit and looks like she might be twenty one or around that age but not younger. Despite that I'm married and still very in love.

Kai took my heart with her.

"Thanks," I replied curtly with a tight smile.

Luckily she seemed to have taken the hint and told me my coffee would be ready in a moment. So I went to the side and waited for my order.

I wasn't really faced at all by the flirting attempt. Getting hit on is something that tends to happen to me more than usual by both men and women. Sometimes they see the ring on my finger and back off, other times they don't care and keep pushing and some other times they don't see it just like moments ago and I just ignore the comments - unless they're persistent that I need to speak out and tell them to back off.

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