Chapter Eleven

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Iliana's POV

"You did great Kai, you for sure are getting better and healthier as the time pass." Blair said as they got out of the pool.

"I feel like I am getting better - at least physically speaking." Kai responded.

"That's good to hear," Blair squeezed her shoulder and smiled oh so sweetly at her.

Today Kai was supposed to come to the pools for aquatic therapy with Blair. So they have been the two alone on the pool for quite a while until now. Of course with me watching from the front row.

I swear I'm so close to pushing her back into that fucking pool and drowning her if she keeps getting too comfortable around Kai.

Even though she could probably kick my ass since she is more toned than I'm... maybe I should start going to the gym again.

They walked towards me as I impatiently waited. "Here," I said handing a towel to Kai.

"Thanks Iliana," she gave me a small smile which I returned.

"Any plans for the weekend?" Blair asked mostly talking to Kai.

Kai shrugged, "We are having over some our friends on tomorrow. You should come!"

My head snapped towards Kai, is she really inviting her?!

"I don't know..."

"Oh c'mon B you're my friend too, please come." Kai insisted.


Blair hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Sure, I'll go. If that's fine with you of course, Iliana."

Oh they remembered I exist.

I so badly wanted to be a bitch and tell her 'no, I'm not fine with it fuck off' but I know Kai will get mad at me if I do. So I opted for the second best alternative.

"I guess is fine, now if you excuse us my wife and I have things to do," I turned to Kai. "Malakai go get changed."

At that she chuckled and shook her head. "Yes ma'am," she said goodbye to Blair and walked off to the dressing room.

Blair and I were left alone in what it looked like an awkward silence for her.

"I'm just- I'm just gonna go... over there." Blair pointed to the other side of the nervously.

Good bitch just leave already.

I wanted to say that but instead I settled with a simple nod of acknowledgment.

Kai was taking longer than I expected so I headed to the lockers to see what was she doing.

"Kai what the hell is taking you so-"

She was there in only her towel and her crutch as she had just gotten out of the shower. Her hair damp and her body was glistening. You could see the drops of water run down her chest and into her towel - leaving only to imagination. But not to me, I didn't have to imagine anything 'cause I had been lucky enough to get to see and explore every part of her more than once.

Sadly it was now all a distant memory that I kept dearly on the back of my mind.

"Yes, Iliana?" Kai said with a smug grin.

"I- I- me- I just, uh, came here to see what was taking you so long."

The confidence I had earlier had completely banished living me stuttering like an idiotic high schooler who is talking to her crush for the first time.

Kai nodded and began to slowly walk closer. She was trying to make it look as smoothly as she could with the crutch. "Sorry I was taking a shower... you should have joined me."

My eyes widened. "I- you- me- w-what?"

I need to get a fucking grip. I've never stuttered in my life and I'm not about to start now.

What Kai did next made me start to believe she wanted to fucking kill me of a heart attack or something.

She dropped her towel.

Right in front of me.

Don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look.

"Iliana you can look after all you have seen all of this before, right?" Kai spoke with a teasing tone while sporting that fucking smirk of hers that made my knees buckle.

"K-Kai what the fu-"

"You know I like it when you say my full name. It's so hot."

She most be messing with me, she's crazy.

I grabbed the hoodie that was on top of the bench and threw to her face. "Dress up before anyone comes in."

Kai chuckled but did as told and started getting dressed up while I looked elsewhere trying to avoid staring. "What? Worried someone will come in and see me in all my glory?" She said jokingly.


That is only for me to see. Not some creep and not Blair.

She gave me an amused smile before continuing dressing up. For last she put on the grey hoodie I had thrown to her face over her sports bra and just like that we were ready to go. Kai walked close to me once again and luckily for my heart she was dressed this time.

"You know what?" She started and I just raised a brow as if saying 'what?' instead of speaking. Kai seemed to be reading me for a second before she continued on. "You look cute when you're jealous," she said poking one of my cheeks before chuckling lightly and exiting the locker room. Leaving me shocked at what she just did.

Did she just?

Did she just poke my cheek?


A/N - Another short update sorry. But the next will probably be longer since things are going to start getting messy from there so yeah.
Also I published a new book so if you can and don't mind go check it out. :D

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