Chapter Seven

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Iliana's POV

Or maybe they will.

It's been a month since Kai's been back home and so far our 'relationship' is a big hot and cold and it's draining a lot out of me.

Kai hasn't been able to get on her feet yet, she can walk some steps when she's on therapy but that's about it so far. Which results on her mood being awful and mostly taking it out on me and I'm getting sick of it.

She also started the session to treat her memory loss but so far they've been useless and she always comes home with a headache after them. The doctor said it was normal, that the memories will take time to come back - that's if they ever do come back.

What am I gonna do if she doesn't get her memories back?

I'm still willing to try and make more memories together but in all honesty I don't think she wants to.

I took a time away from handling the company for a while so I could help Kai in her recovery. Henrik was more than willing to aid me by taking charge of it in my absence - my mother however told me she was done with all of that life.

Not helpful as always.

Now I'm getting Kai some of her jackets from our room to her new one downstairs while she showered. As I was putting them inside her closet I came across the same black bomber jacket she had used in our honeymoon in Paris. Curiously she never wore it again. Made me remember how incredibly hot she looked that day.

As I was about to put it on the closet I felt something inside it's right pocket. Weird. I opened it to see what it was and I felt my heart crick a little when I saw the item that was inside the pocket of the jacket.

So she had one all along.

I thought as I held the padlock.

However I was broke from my thoughts when I heard a loud thud come from the bathroom. I dropped the padlock on the bed and headed to the door and knocked on it.

"Kai? Are you okay?"

I got no response but I could hear the water still running.


"Kai I'm going in!"

"Don't!" I heard her shout as I twisted the doorknob.

"What happened are you alright?"

"Yes I just- fuck."

"I'm going in."

"No Iliana don't come in-"

And there it was - through the glass door of the shower you could see Kai on the floor. However that was the only thing I saw cause I put my hand on my eyes covering the view not wanting to make her think I was a creep, even though I have seen her before naked before, many times.

"I told you not to come in!"

"Well you are on the fucking floor of the shower and seems like you can't get up on your own so I don't think you have much of a choice here except to let me help you."

"No way. I can stand up on my own."

"Kai don't try it you are just gonna hurt yourself and make it worse!"

"I got this," she groaned and then I heard another thud. "Fuck."

"Okay that's it." I opened my eyes but avoided to look at her as I walked to the shower. I closed the water while looking at the wall.

"Put your arms around my neck so I can help you," I said scrunching down and looking up. For once she did as I said and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm going to put my arm on your hips, okay?"

"Yeah whatever." She grumbled.

With all the strength I could muster I picked her up enough so she could stand properly and get her out of the shower. Once out I grabbed her robe and helped her put it on.

"Iliana you need to see what you're doing."

"I rather not."

"Why? You've probably seen me like this a bunch of times."

I managed to close her robe enough and then grabbed a towel to help her dry her face and hair.

"Doesn't matter, I don't want you to think I'm a creep." I dried her face when I finished with her hair and I found those big green eyes looking back at me.

"I don't mind if you take a peek." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes and threw the towel at her face, even though I showed annoyance at her teasing I still caught my cheeks flushing.

I really can't help the effect Kai has on me.

"Come on Iliana don't be such a bore." She complained while I walked to her chair.

"How did you fall?" I changed the subject.

"I slipped no big deal," she waved it off.

"Kai we prepared the shower so something like that wouldn't happen." I rolled her out to her room.

"Well shit happens doesn't it?" She answered more hostile than before.

I sighed.

"Kai, I know that you want to be able to stand up and do things on your own. But this? This is not going to help you get better. Being reckless won't help you."

"You don't understand! You don't understand how frustrating is not to be able to do things on my own. Feeling so useless everyday. Yes I will stand and walk again but I'll still be crippled on one leg! I can't never be me again. And that's not even all of it I also lost a big part of my life so don't tell me how to deal with it."

I scoffed.

"You think you're the only one whose having a hard time Kai, but you're not. I waited by your bedside for two years for you to wake up and when you finally did I was met with a stranger. The love of my life doesn't have a clue of who I am. And all this version of her does is treat me like shit when I'm just trying to help."

I didn't realize I was crying or more like I had tears streaming down my face. They weren't of sadness - at least not all of them. They were of frustration and anger. But not all of it was towards her but also to me, because I can't seem to accept the fact that I might never get the old Kai back, even if it's just been a month that is how it starts.

"If it bothers you so much you should just leave."

"You don't get it do you," I pressed my finger on her chest. "I could never just leave even if that's the easiest thing to do because I fucking love you Malakai."

Kai blinked a couple of times, she was left speechless. I saw her trying to find her words for a while.

"I can't give you what you want, not now, I don't know if ever." She finally spoke.

"I'll wait," I responded.

"Iliana d-" I cut her off.

"I'll wait and I will do everything I can. If I have to make you fall in love with me all over again then I will."

"You're setting yourself for a heartbreak," she mumbled.

"You wouldn't break my heart."

Kai looked down and fiddled with the sheets of her bed.

"I need to change," Kai said.

I took that as my cue to leave.

"Just yell if you need anything." I said before exiting her room - only hearing a faint 'okay' as response.


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