Chapter Six

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Iliana's POV

"I don't like this."

"It's for your own good Kai, so you can regain your strength and leave the chair. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I guess," she mumbled with crossed arms.

Today is Kai's first day in physical therapy and she seems to be quiet preoccupied about it. Even though I've been reassuring her that it will be fine all the way here, I know she wanted to hear the reassurance.

Her parents called or more like Henrik did - asking if he could come with us but Kai declined.

"Hey Iliana." I heard Kai call for me as I rolled her chair inside the therapy center.

"Yes Kai?"

"How old are you?"

That's a random question. But I think she's doing it to distract herself while we waited for the physical therapist to come.

"Twenty six."

"When is your birthday?"

"November 3."

"That's on like two months, right?"



Kai couldn't ask anything else as we were greeted by who I think is Kai's physical therapist.

"Malakai Raymond?" A tall, young girl with light brown hair on a ponytail, stunning hazel-green eyes and a tan said.

"That would be me." Kai said turning to look at the voice and once she got a glimpse of her she shamelessly checked her out in front of me.

I tried to contain this sudden jealousy washing me over by counting to fifteen on my mind.

When that didn't work out I increased the couting until I hit fifty.

"Nice to meet you Malakai, my name is Blair Donovan and I'll be helping you through your recovery."

"Yeah I'm already feeling better." Kai replied making the woman chuckle and me slightly kick the back of her chair.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh, she's Iliana." Kai nonchalantly introduced me making me glare at her hard.

'Blair' looked at me and extended her hand for me to shake. "A pleasure."

"Same." I said while shaking her hand.

"Are you friends or? Sorry if I come out nosy."

"Yeah we-"

"She's my wife." I said cutting off Kai.

Blair nodded with a bit of confusion on her face but then shrugged it off as if nothing.

"Okay so please follow me so we can get started." She said and started to walk and we followed behind her.

There was a few other people at the center working besides us. We entered another spacious room where there was a lot of exercise stuff, some walking bars and stretching mattresses - amongst other things.

"If you don't mind Mrs. Raymond I'll take it from here." Blair said politely

I took a seat on the side while I watched them start to work. Minutes passed when I felt a presence sit besides me.

"Alex? What are you doing here?" I faced her.

"Isn't it obvious? Kai asked me to come."

"Of course." I replied and glanced back at Kai who was getting her legs stretched with the help of Blair.

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