Chapter One

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Iliana's POV

"June." Kai said all of sudden.

I frowned in confusion - not knowing what she meant by that.


"I like that name," she responded.

We were laying on a picnic blanket at the same place where Kai taught me how to swim almost three years ago. I hadn't been here since that day but the blue pool looks the same - this part of the woods is also still calm a pacific to the point you only hear the running water and the animals.

"Do you like it?" Kai turned her head down - I looked up from her chest to meet her gaze.

"Yes, is a really pretty name. Why the question?"

She shrugged.

"I would like that to be our daughter's name."

The mention of children caught me off guard and it also made my heart do a flip at the thought of having kids - a family with Kai one day.

"That is if you want to have kids one day. I mean I do but if you don't I'm fine with that is not a big-" I stopped her rambling by putting my hand over her mouth.

"Kai, babe, calm down. Can I speak now?" Kai nodded eagerly - my hand still covering her mouth but then retracted it. We sat up before resuming our conversation.

"I love the name and I would absolutely love to have a kid, specially if it's with you."

That made a big - white smile appear on Kai's face - she proceeded to pull me over her lap and smash our lips together. Even while kissing I could still feel her smile against my lips and I couldn't content it either so it resulted on the both us breaking the kiss and just look at the other while smiling like fools in love.

I raised my hand and started to caress her face and over her chiselled jaw - my thumb softly rubbing her cheek.

"One day we will have a family of our own."

"You promise?" I asked looking into her hypnotizing verdant eyes. I've always loved Kai's eyes they were on the things I loved the most about her physically. They were unique and vibrant - they matched her mischievous personality making her even more irresistible.

One look into those cat like eyes and I'm done.

"I promise blondie." She grabbed the hand that was caressing her cheek but had now stalled and lovingly kissed the palm.

"We could even have a dog." I suggested.

She chuckled.

"I always wanted one actually."

"Really, which kind?" I made myself comfortable against Kai's front and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I like the energetic kind, you know like a boxer or a golden retriever. What about you?"

"I don't much about dogs so I can't tell you their names but I like the ones that look like a wolf." I admitted.

"A husky?"

"Yes! That one." I said excitedly.

Kai chuckled and kissed the top of my head tenderly. "I don't think beach and huskies are the best combination blondie."

I frowned.

"Why not?"

"They're a cold kind of dog."


"I'm sure we'll find one that you like beautiful."

"I guess." I looked up to her. "How many kids would you want to have?"

She put on a thoughtful face before answering.


My eyes widened.


"Yep, I've always liked the idea of a big family." She said with a cute smile.

"I'm not carrying four kids. Do you want to kill my vagina?"

Don't get me wrong I would like to give birth, but four times? No way in hell I'm getting pregnant that many times. I could do it twice but that's it.

Kai laughed but I didn't really find it that funny.

"I don't expect you to do that blondie. If you don't want to give birth it's fine, I'm not fond of doing it either."

"I would like to do it... just not four times. Twice at best."

"Deal. We could also adopt; I've always liked the idea of adopting." Kai suggested.

"I would like that too."

After that we layed there in silence for a while. It was so quiet and at peace that I could feel myself slipping away into sleep and Kai running her fingers through my hair didn't make it any easier not to.

"Kai... I think I'm falling asleep." I mumbled barely managing to keep my eyes open.

"Rest blondie, I'll be here when you wake up."

"You promise?"

"I promise."


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