Chapter Seventeen

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Kai's POV

This can't be happening.

This is not happening.

That's all I could think as I sat inside my car on the garage of my house. Emma's words on repeat in my head a part of me unable to believe them, I so badly wanted for them not to be true but when I saw Iliana's face all I could see was guilt and that hurt me like nothing ever has.

Iliana broke my heart.

And Emma? I should've known better with her ever since that day on the beach. She better pray that I don't see her again.

I wanted to leave but I couldn't muster myself to do drive. I'm scared of driving since the accident and even if I wasn't I'm not even sure that I can. I was then pull out of my thoughts by a knock on my window.


I sighed, grabbed my crutch from the backseat and got out of the car. I had stopped crying by now luckily, but it was still very evident that I had. I faced my best friend she had a look of confliction making me think.

"You knew," I said more as a statement than a question. Her looking down gave me all the answers I needed. I chuckled humorlessly,

Do everyone think I'm an idiot?

"It wasn't my place to tell you Kai. I warned her, I told her that she needed to tell you or if not I would. It's not my fault that she's a fucking coward."

"And she told you that she fucked Emma?"

"Malakai she didn't tell anybody, not even April knows. I saw them doing it one day when came to check on her but none of them knew I was there. Didn't she tell you anything?"

I already knew it was true but Alex's confirmation of what Iliana did just make my heart break once again.

While I was on my deathbed my wife was too busy screwing my friend.

"She didn't tell me anything, I overheard Emma and her talking."

Alex scoffed, "I was right about her being a fucking coward whore then."

"Shut the hell up Alex." I don't know why I'm defending her honestly, I should hate her. Maybe right now I do. But I still couldn't bear to hear Alex or anyone talking about Iliana like that.

"Why are you even defending her?! She is all of that!"

"I don't care! Just don't."

"Come lets get out of here," she said but I shook my head.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you, just leave me alone."


"Fucking go Alex! I don't want you here!"

She sighed and shook her head, "Okay I'll go and give you space just don't do anything stupid and be careful Malakai. I already almost lost you once, please," Alex relented.

I could only nod and after giving me a double look before she left. I know is not her fault but I'm angry, I feel like everybody's been lying to me.

I can't stay here I need to leave.

With my mind made up I swallowed my fear and opened the car door but just as I did I was stopped by a voice.

"You're not supposed to be driving you know."

"I think I rather take my chances."

I heard her sigh and then hear her steps, once she reached me she turned me around and stared at my tear stained face. "Come I'll drive you," Blair said softly before walking around me and entering the driver's seat.

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