Chapter Twenty Three

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Kai's POV

"Turn to the side again please." I heard a voice tell me.

I did as told and then the light of the camera flashed.

Okay so here's what happened.

Emma and I got arrested after a neighbor called the cops when they saw the commotion in my porch so I'm currently taking the mugshots.

I'm in jail with a busted lip and on my squidward slippers, in short I looked like a mess. The fuckers wanted to take my crutch because I might or not had hit Emma with it but Iliana talked them out of it since I couldn't walk properly without it.

Once they finished my photoshoot they moved me to a jail cell so I could wait for either my dad or Iliana to pay my bail.


Beating Emma's ass was worthy though, it felt so good.

There wasn't many people on the cells and they one where they put me there was just some girl sat in the corner.

The officer closed the cell in my face and told me to 'get comfortable'.


I sat in the only thing that seemed to be to do so.

"Nice slippers," the girl in the corner that looked about my age or younger perhaps complimented.

"Thank, it's squidward." I moved my feets.

She chuckled.

"Yeah I noticed."

"Do you know how long we have to stay in here?" I asked her.

"No idea buddy, I suppose until someone bails you out."

"I supposed as much," I muttered.

We stayed in silence until she spoke again. "Why are you here, did you rob a slipper store?"

I chuckled, "Nope. I beat up my ex friend who slept with my wife while I was in a coma."

"Damn I wasn't expecting that." She said with her eyes widened slightly.

"Yeah me neither, so why are you here?" I asked and she looked a bit hesitating on telling me. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No it's fine... I uh got involved with some... bad people and got caught last night, I was kind of the unwilling sacrifice so they rest could get away. I'm not some criminal don't get it wrong I have two siblings to take care of so I just needed the money but I suppose they're being put on the system by now." She explained defeatedly.

"Don't worry I don't judge, I know sometimes we have to do things that aren't a pretty story to tell in order to survive but that's life."

"Yeah," she sighed, "I'm Danielle by the way."

"Malakai but everyone calls me Kai."

"In that case I'm Dani."

"So... we have to wait until someone comes and pay the bail." I repeated trying to keep the conversation alive.

"Yep, but I doubt someone will bail me I'll probably end un in jail." Dani said putting her head over her knees.

"Don't say that, you'll get out of here."

She chuckled.

"I doubt it."

I looked at her, "You will."


We kept on talking for some time but I could tell Danielle wasn't much of a talkative person, she was a bit closed off so I didn't push for anything and just talked about random things, like where I got my slippers.

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